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>> No.53609810 [View]
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I'm a grown man with wife and kids and a full time job. I live in the real world where adults do adult things. I pay taxes and have responsibilities. I'm accountable. It's a boring life to some but it's a happy one, one where chaos is kept to a minimum and that suits me just fine.

My acquaintances who smoke pot are generally depressing folk who never left their high school mentality. They're constantly on a nostalgia trip for an era when they were 15 and life was meaningless because a teenage boy's actions have zero consequences. A few of them still live with there parents. The ones who aren't would be better off living with their parents. At least then someone could clean up after them, something none of them seem capable of doing themselves because why mop when you could just be high. All they ever do is eat garbage, play video games, and watch capeshit movies made for idiots.
Every now and again they come up with some "business idea" (probably while high) and blow an insane amount of money on startup capital. Gumball machines, t shirts, baked goods, 3D printers, etc. They've got loads of this shit but did they ever made any money off it? No, because it's easier to just get high and watch the SyFy channel all damn day.

I stopped associating with them because frankly I don't see a value in hanging out with people who just exude low energy loser bullshit all the time.

I'm sure this isn't everyone's experience and there's probably plenty of people who smoke pot daily and lead normal lives. When drunks do this we call them "functional alcoholics." I've only met one of those but frankly he's a time bomb waiting to go off. But I still haven't met a daily pot smoker who even remotely had his shit together. It's partly why I'm convinced pot causes mental illness. Most other drugs destroy your body. Pot destroys the mind.

Anyways, thanks for reading my blog.

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