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>> No.21644700 [View]
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got 5 eth to YOLO

whats a shitcoin i can 10x off this week?

>> No.21426707 [View]
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shill me your uniswap gems lads

>> No.21383860 [View]
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I'm so confused. How does uniswap work without an order book? How does it determine the price of a token?

>> No.21148209 [View]
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>> No.21135288 [View]
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i wanna make a quick 10x biz

where should i throw 15 eth? Whats the uniswap gem we're pumping today?

>> No.21086995 [View]
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made a fucking killing in buidl

took out some profit (still long as fuck on buidl up to 100 mil mcap and sitting on a sizeable stack) and looking to toss 5-10 eth here or there

shill me on the next 25-50x biz

>> No.20926293 [View]
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what we pumpin today biZ and why is it BUIDL?

>> No.20900613 [View]
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tis the fucking season for massive shitcoin pumps

lets make it biz

what we pumping today?

>> No.20822191 [View]
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tis the season for massive shitcoin pumps

uniswap gems are where its at right now - buidl, pamp, ampl, arte

whats the next 100x no one knows about?

>> No.20714529 [View]
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i have 500 to gamble away biz

shill me something <500mcap on uniswap that will PUMP hard

>> No.20686185 [View]
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Made a shit ton off PAMP and looking for my next x100 biz

shill be on the next x10-x100 gem on here

>> No.20572320 [View]
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What are the risks other than hacks?
I don't care about impermanent loss since I am already holding ETH and my other tokens anyway.

What is all the liquidity is bought up or the token goes to 0...do I lose everything or would my ETH stay safe?

>> No.20432474 [View]
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Made a shit ton on BUIDL and sold off some for a nice profit. Looking for the next 100x shitcoin.

Just bought a shit ton of pamp too

Shill me on your next x100 uniswap gem biz

>> No.20370942 [View]
File: 30 KB, 724x244, 1_q-SGzJzaNmEG4Lgyjj5QSg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a shit ton on BUIDL and looking to throw some profit in the next x100 shit coin

shill me on your best uniswap x100 biz

>> No.20340052 [View]
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Currently have some in the ETH-LINK pool and it has increased my LINK. Wasn't going to sell the ETH or LINK anyway.

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