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>> No.9911627 [View]
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>> No.9891251 [View]
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я гoтoв, дaвaйтe peбятa зa poдинy

>> No.9708962 [View]
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>muh useless russian shitcoin spammed by a discord

>> No.9545353 [View]
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>> No.9380292 [View]
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Not autism, he's Slavic.

>> No.9318678 [View]
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Reported to the SEC for the 100k bounty.

Trying to find the name and address of admins.


>> No.9036288 [View]
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>Alright guys who should we choose for our supply blockchain tech:
>IBM, the software giant that literally invented the personal computer, or these Chinese scam coins where they spend 90% of their effort making Twitter posts and getting autistic losers on imageboards to pump up the price?

>> No.9026146 [View]
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>Thinks VeChain allowing end users to create their own oracles to put data on the VeChain blockchain means Link is dead
You are most certainly NOT a career software engineer if you cannot tell the difference between these. You literally stated earlier it makes Link obsolete. Care to explain how LARPfag?

>> No.8646106 [View]
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Can't help but think that the NSA or some other gov. agency purposely put blockchain tech out in the wild with crypto currencies being the bait. Why?
Free development, organic acceptance "oh yeah crypto bucks/blockchain tech ok ..." , in the wild adoption along with trail and error debugging and whatnot,
until the plug is being pulled as the beta test is concluded - how? Easy, backbreaking regulations, shutdowns, mass selloffs that will scare off the most
hardened of crypto shills and leave the "survivors/hodlers" with nothing but their crypto-thumb up their butts. Unless some radical development takes place.
Its funny how people are shocked by the technical analysis, when the fundamentals are the real horror. Anyway we'll see "when".

>> No.8501890 [View]
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you did well ... but also not - there's far better bags for the bucks associated with the insane risk these shit assets bring

>> No.8456849 [View]
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the only reason LTC and BTRASH is retaining its value is coinbase > that jew exchange is so legit people think they can cash out anytime ... of course they can but it will hurt once these assets are worth shit including boomercoin

crypto currency scams as a whole are just shitfucked - blockchain in its worst applications is here to stay faggots

>> No.8402614 [View]
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>And yet the Ethereum network has never actually been hacked.

hasn't been tested either but its known already

> Yoichi Hirai did not leave, that is some ancient FUD.

wrong and its new

> Is that why France recently declared itself the ICO capital of the world, and ETH futures are in the works?

FRANCE LOL even if it was the whole of EU... just get the fuck outta here



>> No.8398050 [View]
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are you trolling? i started trading mid feb. how can you be this retarded?

buying into an obvious pump thats just waiting to dump ...

>> No.8388212 [View]
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1 frugal too many, albeit using a public wash salon makes sense for those or better yet throwing them away afterwards - cloth is basically everywhere and almost free

>> No.8380059 [View]
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trusting in margin trading? jesus

if you had rubbed those 2 braincells together you might've thought that the exchange itself will rat out your position which apparently is a small one - "big shots" are getting burned in margin trading left and right - by whom? hard to tell could be the exchange or smart money that uses crypto only as a gambling table

the cryptoshit currencies won't have a future anyway unless their gov. owned + inbound blockchain tech surveillance ... literally the worst of everything will prevail

>> No.8358212 [View]
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>Use random meme lines and free meme indicators in a market with wild swings based on new and events which could change everything and bring unseen changes in an instant
TA barely works in stocks, why would it work in crypto? Cryptos are pretty much start ups, I like to buy and hold ones which could have a viable business or bring good technological changes to current systems.

People who autistically pour over graphs are children who have not invested for more than a few months.


Anyone else annoyed that TAfags post their ridiculous lines and over and over again and when it doesn't happen they keep posting more shit meme lines like the previous ones didn't exist, saying "this time it will be so"? TAfags have NEVER predicated anything in crypto.

>> No.8356773 [View]
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>Bitcoin goes to zero
>Buy all 23 million coins for $0
>Sell for $1 each

Copyright '18 DO NOT steal my plan.

>> No.8206858 [View]
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