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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.56049470 [View]
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>AI had their cycle in Q1
Don't sleep on AGII, AI narrative is still on the trend.

>> No.55948940 [View]
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I'm not fucking bothered about medium dropping, just want to be successful in life with SYLO's decentralized communication and FutureScore, both shaping the futureverse with unique concepts, rewarding ecosystem contributors. The future is looking exciting.

>> No.55884160 [View]
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And you forgot AstraDAO? Only smartfags are earning instant 1.8x reward multiplier and gaining immediate rise in staking score corresponding amount of the token staked.

>> No.55762102 [DELETED]  [View]
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P2E games is all you need right now, chads are trading NFTs and game assets freely on a virtual marketplace, using Elfin as their gateway. Why not get on board

>> No.55755102 [View]
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No SCLP? Ngmi! A project that is looking into the future when the regulation will hit at the top at some point

>> No.55625870 [View]
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Investing in Elfin has already proven to be the most lucrative P2E poorfags have invested in so far.

>> No.55599194 [View]
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Is that why chads are busy on SCLP? Is it because it has a promising future since it's connected with payment gateway for businesses?

>> No.55544945 [View]
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The current market is still unstable, the Funarcade's thrilling casino games are making huge statements and retards will gain multitude of rewards soon.

>> No.55532230 [View]
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You sleep on projects that supports the future of healthcare with blockchain and decentralised science, you lose.

>> No.55446988 [View]
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Are you going to sleep on Bitzing airdrop? Channers are gaining NFTs at a go.

>> No.55428280 [View]
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Don't sleep on Asian meme, Eggman is looking impressive

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