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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.21577841 [View]
File: 41 KB, 1280x787, kjhdHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insula (ISLA)
$800k mc ($1.3m fully diluted cap with 60% cs)
A Decentralised Investment Fund

# Station F Incubator (biggest incubator in the world)
# RenVM Development Committee
# MAMA member
# Aragon-based InsulaDAO (for governance token)
# Nexus Mutual insurance coverage for funds
# Staking program

>> latest news is ISLA holders receive 10% profits of the funds monthly (just started test version so Sept-Oct will only be for ISLA top 100, but after that every ISLA holder will receive profits)



>> No.21048494 [View]
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$400k mc (with 60% cs)

>> No.20973701 [View]
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Insula (ISLA)
$500k mc ($800k fully diluted cap, 60% cs)
Decentralised Investment Fund

>> ISLA is the base currency for investment funds (among many defi coins)
>> over 100% roi for the funds (within a very short-time, and still super early days)
>> Aragon-based InsulaDAO makes ISLA a governance token
>> Staking program coming soon
>> defipulse.com listing coming
>> Nexus Mutual insurance coverage for funds
>> RenVM Development Committee (along with AirSwap, Defi Prime, Dune Analytics, etc.)
>> Joined StationF Incubator Program (Microsoft, adidas, Facebook, Ubisoft partners)
>> MAMA member (along with Credit Suisse, UBS, Bitcoin Suisse, MakerDAO, Tezos, AAVE, etc.)
>> A deflationary token through token burns

>> No.20849253 [View]
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$600k mc, and $1m fully diluted cap

>> No.20767731 [View]
File: 41 KB, 1280x787, tyha%jj^&.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on current mc and % tokens in circulation (hence total valuation), I see this has 100x potential, why?

>> less than $1m mc with 60% tokens in circulation (only $1.5m fully diluted cap)
>> a Aragon-based InsulaDAO is developed, so ISLA token becomes a governance token
>> Nexus Mutual is going to used for funds insurance coverage
>> defipulse.com listing coming
>> Token burn mechanism is being discussed, so ISLA token becomes a deflationary token,
>> More defi use cases, and tools are being studied
>> A member of "RenVM Development Committee" (along with AirSwap, Defi Prime, Dune Analytics, etc.)
>> A member of MAMA (along with Credit Suisse, UBS, Bitcoin Suisse, MakerDAO, Tezos, AAVE, etc.)
>> Joined StationF Incubation Program (Microsoft, Facebook, adidas, Ubisoft, iPEPS etc. partners)
>> There will be an equity sale through StationF by the end of 2020 (and some of those partners might get onboard)


recently it pumped bit as the project was hidden and the team started marketing works recently (e.g., last month Pitch Desk released, 3 weeks back a restructured website launched, 2 weeks back a Telegram channel was open for discussion, etc.), many people didnt know about their background and it stayed a very low cap before then, but even now, it is only $1m mc and $1.5m fully diluted cap

if this does 100x, it becomes a $100m mc and $150m fully diluted cap, which is quite common for many defi projects now (see fully diluted cap more as most of recent ones have a tiny circulation supply to make an artificial small mc, but will results in token dumping for years, but Insula already have 60% tokens in circulation, hence very little sell pressure going forward). There is definitely a 100x potential here if the team delivers what they promise now.

never all in, but worth putting 3-5% of ur portfolio into this, and take an educated gamble.

>> No.20764369 [View]
File: 41 KB, 1280x787, jhjh^&hh#%f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put 5% of ETH into this defi shit, only $1m mc with 60% tokens in circulation

A decentralised investment fund
Aragon-based InsulaDAO coming for governance
Nexus Mutual insurance coming for funds coverage
defipulse listing at some stage
A member of RenVM Development Committee (along with AirSwap, Defi Prime, Dune Analytics, etc)
from Station F Incubator Program (Microsoft, Facebook, adidas, Ubisoft, iPEPS etc. partners)
MAMA member (along with Credit Suisse, UBS, Bitcoin Suisse, MakerDAO, Tezos, AAVE, etc.)
a deflationary token though token burns

if this shit takes off in the defi season, this shit could potentially give u 50-100x (still only $50-100m mc)

>> No.20757331 [View]
File: 41 KB, 1280x787, kna%gv&hb#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20709755 [View]
File: 41 KB, 1280x787, ISLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart anons follow smart money.

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