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>> No.19658615 [View]
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>> No.17546154 [View]
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Schools dont give you education, they teach you to be useful corporate drones and tax slaves.

>> No.16030619 [View]
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>The only thing taxes are used for is forcefully transferring goods from productive people to parasites.

This exactly. The only way I would be ok with taxes is if we were all allowed to join our own voluntary political parties that run all their own social schemes separate from one another. This shit where we all serve under the same corrupt universal bureaucracy, is bullshit.

>> No.15491240 [View]
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Hey your quality of life may be going to shit, but at least a bunch of unproductive people got lifetime pensions for putting in 20 years of chair warming while pretending to work.

>> No.12562195 [View]
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>I'd say being ... a teacher gives meaning

As long as propagandizing the next generation and receiving stolen blood money is something that fills you with deep satisfaction.

>> No.12424098 [View]
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How about one State with no taxes period. If you are too pathetic to make it there in the absolute free market, there are 49 other states that will pander to your inferiority.

>> No.12243955 [View]
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According to exit polls Trump voters were most concentrated among those with annual incomes $50,000 and higher, with more correlation the higher the income. So the stereotype of the retarded poor hick is probably less true than the stereo type of your typical retarded ghetto dweller voting for Democrat gibs. Colleges have moved to actively discriminating against conservatives (both faculty and students), which is why both quality of education and life outcomes of college grads are falling at such a rapid pace. Elite schools still get to select from the absolute cream of the crop, so it is possible to maintain quality. Elite level conservative students either keep quiet about their political leanings or take their skills elsewhere.

>> No.12113070 [View]
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Is that you, Gommie Faggot?
Socialism/communism/Marxism has been an unmitigated disaster every single time it has been implemented. So much so that one can reasonably assume anybody advocating for it is interested in only rape, murder and repression at a sociaty wide level. Have you examined where this extreme bloodlust in you comes from? Is it your racist resentment towards whites and Asians for making more money than you?

>> No.12092452 [View]
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Bumpin' around. WTF was that?

>> No.12063865 [View]
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See, I'm betting it's only a matter of time before the majority of companies realize that a large portion of the college grads they are hiring are worthless. That is because many college grads are worse than uneducated, they are trained in anti-capitalism and marxist victimology, to the point it is becoming less risky to hire someone trainable without a college degree. For all of you who don't know, literally the only reason college degrees are required for so many jobs is that the federal government made it illegal to use IQ tests to screen candidates. College degrees used to be a good IQ test substitute before they started letting in so many retards for both ideological diversity initiatives and seeking to profit off of inflated federally subsidized student loans. This bypass is already happening in places like silicon valley, where despite their rhetoric, they understand their product is built on pure IQ horsepower, and their application boils down to essentially a skills+IQ corollary test, college degree not required.

>> No.12044130 [View]
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We are currently at 42 failed communist states, 100 million dead from those countries, over 50 socialism caused economic collapses, and the ongoing socialism induced demise of the western education system in favor of marxism. My only question is, how much more death and destruction is needed to prove to you that central planning/control is literally the worst yet conceived form of government.

>> No.11961717 [View]
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Your word salad is very tasty, it will look good as a shit in my toilet bowl after I digest it. See, I can say a bunch of words too. Mine just adhear closer to reality than yours.

How about this: how should we hold predominantly white champaign socialists responsible for the historical wrongs they have perpetrated on hundreds of million of non-whites in the socialist state crimes of mass murder, property and land theft, mass rape and society wide imprisonment? We've got to make whitey pay, and whitey has no greater crimes than those perpetrated under Marxism.

>> No.11913641 [View]
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It's better to just ignore 95% of all that bullshit when you are getting started in my opinion. My main business has spotty profitability so I started a second business buying wrecked small apartment buildings, rehabbing them, and renting them out. My last building I didn't file a single permit. Inspector went through after I was done, spent ten minutes looking things over, gave me my U&O and went on his way. It helps if you do legitimate good work and you're not trying to cut corners (on product or service quality) or fuck people over.

If they can't jail you over it, consider seriously the costs and benefits. Just like on wallstreet, they will take the $30million fine they know is coming if means $100million in profit.

>> No.11804577 [View]
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This is why I'm pro immigration, the more peasant mexicans we can get in, the faster we can bring about the financial collapse of government, the sooner I can see human garbage dying in the streets from preventable disease. If you can't afford it, it is because you don't deliver enough value to society to justify receiving treatment.

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