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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.9715793 [View]
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Here, I'm going to spoonfeed you retards whats good for you:

1) Polkadot is aiming to use this framework to tackle a more generalized application of linking existing blockchains, outside networks (Internet, banking networks) and being Ethereum 3.0, allowing people to not only generate their own tokens but also their own blockchains; what they call Web3. While I thought this was a fantastic application and exactly what the crypto ecosystem needs, I was curious to see what other projects were using the same revolutionary framework and therefore, we’re the next generation of blockchain.

IoT was immediately what came to mind. An ecosystem with a wide variety of possible transaction types, device types and the potential for an enormous scaling need. It is not difficult to imagine a scenario where the one size fits all approach or any current or planned version of Ethereum does not satisfy the needs of an IoT ecosystem. Imagine the network needs of a weather sensor, sending lightweight data every few seconds where fast block times needed, a smart car sending and receiving location and traffic data where larger data set communication efficiency is paramount, a smart home hub which controls everything in your house where smart contracts and artificial intelligence is needed, your smartphone selling your private data for ad revenue where strong encryption is vital and the ability to transact privately with a fungible currency all in the same network, tied together. The IoT ecosystem needs the ability to handle all scenarios and there is not one, single chain network that can fit the needs of that ecosystem.

That’s when I came across INT…

>> No.9040961 [View]
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>from the whitepaper
you must hate money

>> No.8873021 [View]
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Dont bother shilling this coin on /biz/. It takes due dilligence, pathience and an elementary understanding of where blockchain is headed the coming years.

/biz/ has noone of these things and they'll just believe all FUD they read but FOMO buy the same coin when it moons, only to post pink wojacks when said coin corrects.

>> No.8602300 [View]
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I mean you have to be utterly retarded to not invest in a team like this, comfiest hold of 2018.

>> No.8586482 [View]
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>> No.8563909 [View]
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Goodjob anon, you just pointed out two outliers. However VEN's partnerships are legit for the most part and Sunny Lu is a great CEO.

Justin Sun must be the retarded cousin of all crypto, I think we can all agree that this chink represents everything we hate about crypto.

Anyway here is the team's resume, I have yet to see another cryptoteam more qualified to build an IoT platform than INT.

>> No.7998481 [View]
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Nice try

>> No.7994574 [View]
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Exactly, and good projects always get build by people who are qualified. Name me one team in crypto that is more qualified to build an IoT platform, protip: you can't.

>> No.7969730 [View]
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Meanwhile the smart people are scooping up cheap INT. They realise that people this reputable will make them boat loads of money. You think people with resumes like this would do some silly discord tier p&d scheme? Ofcourse you do brainlet.

>> No.7920854 [View]
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>> No.7920440 [View]
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Don't let the low tier brainlets fool you anons, this coin is about as good as it gets. iOTA of China but this team is not full of insecure faggots like the iOTA ‘muh refugees’ developers.
That constantly throw temper tandrums because their network still doesn't work for shit. And they have been at it since 2015.
This coin has amazing potentional if you like investing in a team with industry experts with awesome resumes, if you think they will put their insanely credible careers on the line for some silly exit scam you are wrong and deluded.
>muh fake partnerships
Just before Chinese New Year there was a conference attended by media, academics and representatives from the ‘fake partners’ Microsoft, Huawei en IBM and also SAP. These partnerships are yet to be formally announced and this coin will fucking explode when it does. The writing is on the wall.
The team has already showed INTchain 1.0 on the conference and things like a more complete whitepaper, western exchange listing, partnerships and roadmap are to follow, the team has also confirmed that they are collaborating with Huawei on an IoT router.
>muh marketing
They don't cater to impatient neets on /biz/reddit. They don’t give a fuck about marketing yet, they are focused on building the actual tech first and then the marketing, this is common business practice in China.
The project is still literally at ground zero, they'll do more announcing this month and the months to come. The price has plummeted because the market took a shit and low marketcap coins suffer the most, this is also common. Of course crypto is mostly speculation but there are many good reasons to think this coin can rival iOTA which is 120x the MC.
Name one team with a more capable team to make an IoT platform. Pro tip: you can't. Don't be like the brainlets that fudded Ethereum or Antshares guys, this is your chance to make it and patience will be VERY rewarding on this one.

>> No.7897583 [View]
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copypasta from other thread:

Don't let the low tier brainlets fool you anons, this coin is about as good as it gets. iOTA of China but this team is not full of insecure faggots like the iOTA ‘muh refugees’ developers that constantly throw temper tandrums because their network still doesn't work for shit. And they have been at it since 2015.
This coin has amazing potentional if you like investing in a team with industry experts with awesome resumes, if you think they will put their insanely credible careers on the line for some silly exit scam you are wrong and deluded.
>muh fake partnerships
Just before Chinese New Year there was a conference attended by media, academics and representatives from the ‘fake partners’ Microsoft, Huawei en IBM and also SAP. These partnerships are yet to be formally announced and this coin will fucking explode when it does. The writing is on the wall.
The team has already showed INTchain 1.0 on the conference and things like a more complete whitepaper, western exchange listing, partnerships and roadmap are to follow, the team has also confirmed that they are collaborating with Huawei on an IoT router.
>muh marketing
They don't cater to impatient neets on /biz/reddit. They don’t give a fuck about marketing yet, they are focused on building the actual tech first and then the marketing, this is common business practice in China.
The project is still literally at ground zero, they'll do more announcing this month and the months to come. The price has plummeted because the market took a shit and low marketcap coins suffer the most, this is also common. Of course crypto is mostly speculation but there are many good reasons to think this coin can rival iOTA which is 120x the MC.
Name one team with a more capable team to make an IoT platform. Pro tip: you can't. Don't be like the brainlets that fudded Ethereum or Antshares guys, this is your chance to make it and patience will be VERY rewarding on this one.

>> No.7895227 [View]
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I bought this coin at 40c before it mooned but it still took a big shit at the dip, my only regret is I didn't sell this at 1$ so I could buy more.

Name me one team that is more qualified to build an IoT platform, protip: you can't

>> No.7829979 [View]
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ITT: mutts with greasy, weak hands who dont DYOR. The current price action is not a reflection of the potential of this gem. since the whole market has been in the shitter and these chinks dont give a fuck about marketing till they have something tangible . dont worry though brainlets, you'll FOMO into this coin once it has mooned past iOTA with a 100x from this point.

please dont buy this coin /biz/ you dont deserve it's gains. so comfi with my 200k right now.

>> No.7743786 [View]
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Don't bother shilling INT on /biz/ because the brainlets here are too retarded to connect the dots. They only invest in coins that are served on a silver platter to them when it has already mooned.

inb4 the
>muh chink scamcoijn
>muh 250m circ supply
>muh fake partnerships

this fud is easy to refute and the writing is on the wall. But /biz/ doesn't deserve the gains this gem is going to give to the people who do their own due diligence.

>pic related

>> No.7460837 [View]
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This coin was shilled on /biz/ when it was about 20c but it was mostly ignored. It wasn't untill about 90c that most of /biz/ FOMO'd into this coin and now these retards are crying scamcoin because the market took a shit and everything is about -60-80% down.

Don't let the low tier brainlets fool you anons, this coin is about as good as it gets. iOTA of China but this team is not full of insecure faggots like iOTA developers that constantly throw temper tandrums because their network still doesn't work. And they have been at it since 2015.

This coin has amazing potentional if you like investing in a team with industry experts with awesome resumes, if you think they will put their insanely credible careers on the line for some silly exit scam you must be living that autistic neet life.

They also had a conference that were attended by lots of media, academics and representatives from SAP, Microsoft, Huawei en IBM. The last 3 are among the many partnerships that still have to be formally announced.

These chinks have already showed the INTchain 1.0 on the conference and things like a more complete whitepaper and roadmap are to follow this month.

They don't cater to ADD brainlets on /biz/reddit. They are more interested in making amazing tech and they have the team to do it. Name one team with a more capable people to make a blockchain platform. Pro tip: you can't

The project is still literally at ground zero, they'll do more announcing this month and the months to come. But you retards will FOMO buy this shit again when it has gone on a 10x run again and then you will fud the coin for being a scam coin again, and thus the /biz/ cycle is complete.

But your in luck because they did do some english announcements today regarding the conference, there are also plenty of chinese articles to read.


>> No.7435655 [View]
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This coin was shilled on /biz/ when it was about 20c but it was mostly ignored. It wasn't untill about 90c that most of /biz/ FOMO'd into this coin and now these retards are crying scamcoin because the market took a shit and everything is about -60-80% down.

Don't let the low tier brainlets fool you anons, this coin is about as good as it gets. iOTA of China but this team is not full of insecure faggots like iOTA developers that constantly throw temper tandrums because their network still doesn't work. And they have been at it since 2015.

This coin has amazing potentional if you like investing in a team with industry experts with awesome resumes, if you think they will put their insanely credible careers on the line for some silly exit scam you must be living that autistic neet life.

They also had a conference that were attended by lots of media, academics and representatives from SAP, Microsoft, Huawei en IBM. The last 3 are among the many partnerships that still have to be formally announced.

These chinks have already showed the INTchain 1.0 on the conference and things like a more complete whitepaper and roadmap are to follow this month.

They don't cater to ADD brainlets on /biz/reddit. They are more interested in making amazing tech and they have the team to do it. Name one team with a more capable people to make a blockchain platform. Pro tip: you can't

The project is still literally at ground zero, they'll do more announcing this month and the months to come. But you retards will FOMO buy this shit again when it has gone on a 10x run again and then you will fud the coin for being a scam coin again, and thus the /biz/ cycle is complete.

But your in luck because they did do some english announcements today regarding the conference, there are also plenty of chinese articles to read.


>> No.7395483 [View]
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This coin was shilled on /biz/ when it was about 20c but it was mostly ignored. It wasn't untill about 90c that most of /biz/ FOMO'd into this coin and now these retards are crying scamcoin because the market took a shit and everything is about -60-80% down.

Don't let the low tier brainlets fool you anons, this coin is about as good as it gets. iOTA of China but this team is not full of insecure faggots like iOTA developers that constantly throw temper tandrums because their network still doesn't work. And they have been at it since 2015.

This coin has amazing potentional if you like investing in a team with industry experts with awesome resumes, if you think they will put their insanely credible careers on the line for some silly exit scam you must be living that autistic neet life.

They also had a conference that were attended by lots of media, academics and representatives from SAP, Microsoft, Huawei en IBM. The last 3 are among the many partnerships that still have to be formally announced.

These chinks have already showed the INTchain 1.0 on the conference and things like a more complete whitepaper and roadmap are to follow this month.

They don't cater to ADD brainlets on /biz/reddit. They are more interested in making amazing tech and they have the team to do it. Name one team with a more capable people to make a blockchain platform. Pro tip: you can't

The project is still literally at ground zero, they'll do more announcing this month and the months to come. But you retards will FOMO buy this shit again when it has gone on a 10x run again and then you will fud the coin for being a scam coin again, and thus the /biz/ cycle is complete.

But your in luck because they did do some english announcements today regarding the conference, there are also plenty of chinese articles to read.


>> No.7316158 [View]
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I'm so happy this coin is getting this low tier FUD, because /biz/ doesn't deserve the gains in the months to come.

The writing is on the wall, but I'm not going to spoonfeed you retards, DYOR if you like money.

Super comfi with my stack regardless of the FUD.

>> No.7258154 [View]
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These chinks just had a conference where representatives of SAP, Microsoft and Huawei attended, if you'd actually DYOR or follow the telegram channel you'd know this.

But they don't cater to western entitled ADD investors, they literally don't give a fuck.

>muh fake partnerships
>muh bought at ATH and it didnt go 10x in the crash

The writing is on the wall, this coin has an insanely promising team with industry titans which on itself is a great reason to invest. But you want to be spoonfed everything and you only invest in coins when they have already mooned.

Just sell already /biz/ you are not worthy of these gains about to come in feb and the years to come.

>> No.7148589 [View]
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>not refuting the main point i made

>> No.6837283 [View]
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ITT weak fud by normads who dont even bother to do their own research.

If you want real answers, just visit the telegram or subreddit. So far I have seen a good rebuttal for all the different fud but honestly im tired of explaining this so /biz/ brainlets over and over again because 99% of this board unironically hates money, there are people on the telegram way more informed on INT than /biz/ is.

This coin is doing fine in the dip caused by (((them))), the market will shoot up after the 26th when the bitcoin futures expire and it will still reach $3-5 a piece by the end of feb and the hodlers of this coin will be greatly rewarded and the people who missed out will kill themselfs and all will be good.

This team can and will dethrone the iOTA cucks and buying at this point is like buying Antshares/NEO when it "crashed" all the way below 1 dollar the first time.

>> No.6777435 [View]
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>muh partnerships
INT has a dozen developers that have actuallyworked for the companies whom's partnerships are to be announced, you think these industry experts are just going to jeopardize their carreers with a silly scam coin?
>muh INT roadmap = ITC roadmap
there isn't even an INT roadmap yet you brainlet
>if iOTA is supposed to be the reigning king for all IoT devices because of muh genious DAG, then why is the tangle network still barely functional after all these years?

>muh scaling
read the whitepaper and https://www.fujancryptoreports.com/intchain, more details will follow when the whitepaper is updated

>muh real company
did you even read the fucking whitepaper you brainlet?

Nice try retard.

>> No.6760383 [View]
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> muh 150M circulating supply and 1 billion max supply
> muh pump and dump
> muh chink scamcoin

FUD Rebuttal:
> Stellar, VeChain, Walton all have skewed circ/max supply ratio’s, when a token is relatively new these tokens are released slowly into the network without inflating the price to incentivize the PoW / PoS mechanisms. Personally, I speculate that once the whitepaper is released masternodes staking will be in there which will cause the price to go nuts.
> Since it’s listing this coin has grown organically, currently it sits at #191 on CMC but the volume is #49, calling this a pump and dump is retarded: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/internet-node-token/
> Look at the resumes of these developers and the connections that they have, this aint no confido exit scam tier shit

More sources (these guys called Walton and Neo when it was pennies)
Suppoman shill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1197&v=67ofGxOnzks
CryptoFuture shill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79NcKmSWz44
Whitepaper: https://intchain.io/whitepaper/INT-whitepaper-release-EN.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/INTCHAIN/status/954184311418138624

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