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>> No.58670223 [View]
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>mfw the collage keeps getting bigger
Kek imagine spending your time collecting every negative to slightly negative link post.
Are you OK anon? Maybe you should touch some grass..
You seem more mentally ill than Thomas these days, not even trannies get this obsessed with criticism, you seem to be completely unable to accept any criticism of you're investment, are you that insecure about it? It's not 2018 anymore, i wish it was, but the mega bullish meme posting is long gone, and it's time to look in the mirror and confront reality.

>> No.58602310 [View]
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I might poop tomorrow, I ate a little less cheese today. It feels good to finally start getting into shape.

>> No.58338971 [View]
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Brown hands typed this.

>> No.58202392 [View]
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something that will make moderate gains in the coming days

>> No.57823098 [View]
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just going to speak as to what worked for me. your ideal window to find a wife is between 31-34 years old. the following will help give you the best possible odds:

>your own place
>your own car
>a 90th percentile income
>dont be awkward on dates, do as many dates as you need to have baseline charm
>in shape - just dont be fat

your targets are women between 21-24 years old. At this age, most girls are breaking up with their practice bfs from college/first job, and are entering the workforce for the first time. they are still capable of pair bonding at this age, and most wifeable women at this age are still career focused and havent yet been turned into partying whores.

take her out on some dates, bang her early and bang her well. ignore her a bit and make her build a dependance on your attention. a few months in, take her on a travel trip-- somewhere she can take pictures, bond with you, and make her friends jealous

all this together will cement your relationship and its importance in her brain. knock her up a few years into this, and congrats, you have a wife

>> No.57555642 [View]
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There is a suspicious discrepancy in human history, the fact that all ancient cultures for all of human history believed in souls and afterlife, besides a few sects of Greek materialists, and only during recent tknes has there been a systematic agenda in introducing athiesim, it originated around the 18th century with freemason French jacobins, later on with communists and charles darwin scientism.
Atheists explanation of the "big bang" is no different to spiritualists explanation of god creating existence.
Looking at it through a lense of Mathematics and probability, the fact that we are alive and exist at this very moment despite a potentially infinite time having passed before, is mathematically extremely improbable and hints to existence being the default state of the universe, and rationally nonexistence cannot somehow coexist with existence in the same way a vacuum can't just exist within a space, the vacuum would suck up all the space.
Everything in nature has a purpose, without a soul and afterlife there would be no purpose to life
>inb4 materialist view of human as a mechanical automaton led by chemicals for the purpose of procreation.
The material genetic aspect is not everything, as evidenced by the glaring diversity in human individuality and personality, if genetics controlled everything then two siblings with the exact same genetic makeup and upbringing wouldn't have dramatically different personalities and tendencies, these are things which are influenced by the soul and are already present within the individual since birth.

I take solice in the fact that all the smartest people in all of human history believed in God and the soul

>> No.57456042 [View]
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Back in 2012 someone on /b/ gave me 1 btc when it was $100
People used to give out lots of btc to beggers and shitposters...
There is a section of oldfag wizard pedo gooners / druggie that got into btc early. I wonder if they still lurk 4chan

>> No.57423997 [View]
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ok so riddle me this. everyone says the left is the hypocrite party that virtue signals but actually lies, cheats, steals. they transparently stole an election. they flood cities with migrants to increase voting base. they insider trade billions worth of stock each yr. they push trooning because it creates lifelong dependancies on expensive drugs and surgeries, etc

sounds to me like once you become rich, the left is the party you want to be a part of since they rig the game to benefit the top 1% while brainwashing the sheep and poor people. maybe deep down we're all aspiring democrats. true billionaires are rarely right wing and almost always leftist... ever wonder why that is?

>> No.57347836 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.57280607 [View]
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I haven't looked at anything crypto in 2 year. Can someone give me a quick rundown of what I've missed

Is the bsc shitcoin casino still a thing?

>> No.56748480 [View]
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did i get a good a deal

>> No.56726946 [View]
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>> No.56600039 [View]
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>> No.56201278 [View]
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>> No.56098680 [View]
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My entire feeling of self worth comes from my income and net worth. I can’t fathom making less than several hundred thousand a year or having less than 1 million dollars to my name. If I had to go back to my poorfag days I would feel like dog shit

>> No.56034616 [View]
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These are Amazon interviews aren’t they

>> No.56022925 [View]
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My girlfriend is an illegal immigrant from Mexico

>> No.56002647 [View]
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Owning a house, car, furniture, anime figurines, etc is so limiting I wish I could just live in a city renting an apartment and not own a car. It would be so liberating. Or maybe just live in a car or van. I feel like I’m too old for this lifestyle though, I’m 30 years old

Honestly the owning nothing and being happy meme is sort of accurate. I miss the old days when I owned nothing and had no responsibilities

>> No.55972522 [View]
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Why doesn’t everyone just work for the US gov?

>Impossible to get fired
>good pay
>amazing benefits
>great WLB

I live in the DC area and know lots of dual Fed households where each person is a GS14/15, they have a household income of 350k+ with rock solid job security and don’t even need to save anything for retirement

>> No.55950039 [View]
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I accidentally called my real gf my practice gf

>> No.55698533 [View]
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>> No.55654685 [View]
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Why are saving accounts with advertised interest a thing if there is such a thing as growth ETFs? Is there some downside that I am not aware of?

>> No.55642549 [View]
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It's over
We are so back

>> No.55486041 [View]
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>not lightly teasing stacy over the course of several weeks, causing her to seek your attention more and more frequently and eventually building a subconscious addiction to your approval for even the clothes she wears to the office or her hairstyle which over time leads to her getting so horny for you she makes overt sexual innuendos over teams chat eventually culminating in you taking her home after an office hosted happy hour and having intense anal intercourse right before she finds a job at chainlink (ticker:LINK) for higher pay and you never hear from her again

it's like you dont even female psyche bro. also invest in chainlink

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