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>> No.11589308 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck suicide
pasting pasta that i made for someone last night:
buy emeramide off the deep web and, after verifying that it's real, just eat shittons of it
hell—you can bloody well snort a gram of it every day if you want to
literally every one of your health problems will go away, you'll turn into a ripped superchad when you work out, and you'll have james bond-tier wits
your breathing, your memory, your intestinal function, your happiness and creativity, your energy—everything will improve dramatically
in other words, you'll be the kind of normal, healthy male that used to be fairly commonplace, even in times remembered for their widespread famine and shit medicine
remember—just as research has made quite clear, testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury
high-test males—whether an intention move from government health authorities who defend dental amalgams and thimerosal-containing vaccinations or not—are the ones who suffer the most markedly from exposure to mercury, as the presence of testosterone greatly increases the incidence of mercury-induced neuron death when compared to neurons only exposed to mercury

mercury poisoning is the true cause behind nearly every chronic disease and mental illness that has hallmarked the last century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west

aside from this, keep your chin up—market's gonna turn around soon
if you really want a guarantee of wealth, take out a big-ass loan and buy cryptos like bitcoin cash and chainlink; the welfare dollar that will increasingly be backed by nothing will die very quickly, along with all the current megacorps that are piling all their bets on the west being completely destroyed.

also, buy emeramed stock.

>> No.11584186 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy emeramide off the deep web and, after verifying that it's real, just eat shittons of it
hell—you can bloody well snort a gram of it every day if you want to
literally every one of your health problems will go away, you'll turn into a ripped superchad when you work out, and you'll have james bond-tier wits
your breathing, your memory, your intestinal function, your happiness and creativity, your energy—everything will improve dramatically
in other words, you'll be the kind of normal, healthy male that used to be fairly commonplace, even in times remembered for their widespread famine and shit medicine
remember—just as research has made quite clear, testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury
high-test males—whether an intention move from government health authorities who defend dental amalgams and thimerosal-containing vaccinations or not—are the ones who suffer the most markedly from exposure to mercury, as the presence of testosterone greatly increases the incidence of mercury-induced neuron death when compared to neurons only exposed to mercury

mercury poisoning is the true cause behind nearly every chronic disease that has hallmarked the last century, and it is what is slowly but surely murdering the west

>> No.11545787 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liquid elemental mercury is "safe" primarily because it is very poorly absorbed by the body; the vapor of elemental mercury, on the other hand, is readily absorbed, and is extremely toxic

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3514464/ - see "elemental mercury" section

https://iaomt.org/wp-content/uploads/Fact-Sheet-Mercury-Vapor-Toxicity.pdf - lists a variety of symptoms that have been documented to be caused by exposure to mercury vapor—which, as this document notes, is the exact same mercury that one is exposed to from dental amalgam fillings.

something that is also highly noteworthy with relation to how mercury poisoning has become so much worse over the past couple of decades is the fact that the kind of radio waves utilized in wi-fi have been demonstrated to promote the release of mercury from dental amalgam fillings:
so, if the radio waves from wi-fi promote the release of mercury from amalgam fillings, who's to say that this energy doesn't do anything to mercury inside of cells? who's to say that mercury in cells isn't made more toxic by the presence of wi-fi, as a result of the wi-fi making it more active in its behavior of going from thiol to thiol? what about cell phone radiation?
same guy, by the way—just posting over mobile

>> No.11385324 [View]
File: 28 KB, 437x253, 1537114881100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reception is appreciated
i've got more to show on a broader scale—hopefully with the added benefit of being in better health, once i've finally acquired real emeramide
regardless, this chemical is ridiculously important; someone has to talk about it, one way or the other

the guy who runs emeramed has said, in plain english, that emeramide is capable of treating a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases including parkinson's (including the abnormal variant), ALS, type 2 diabetes, and alzheimer's
the degree to which this remediates these issues is fucking stunning; people with ALS literally rising from their wheelchairs after a few weeks ***and fucking walking***
parkinson's patients face similar success
the dude is an emeritus professor at the university of kentucky, with no history of foul play
he even patented and described the usage of this chemical for the remediation of some of these problems—which is very few of what it actually treats
all this chemical is—in addition to being a very powerful (and of course, lipid-soluble) antioxidant—is an extremely powerful chelator of heavy metals
but, especially mercury

this is so stupidly goddamn incriminating to the FDA, ADA, CDC, and numerous other health agencies worldwide that have outright fucking neglected all the yelling and screaming from sick, dying people who say that their amalgam fillings leeching mercury are what is responsible for their spiral into illness
and, this is just the surface
the "dominance" (lol) of the nu-male is a notable byproduct of a mercury poisoned society; testosterone makes mercury more toxic, and they have way less testosterone
doesn't mean they don't suffer from mercury exposure, of course—but, naturally, they don't suffer the same kind of neuron degeneration as a high-test male who would otherwise be healthy and live a happy life as an intelligent (and likely productive) individual

mercury poisoning is killing us all

>> No.11328201 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are these, to understand that mercury vapor is both very readily permanently absorbed by the body, and that it is able to pass through any soft membrane with total ease:
if the fact that amalgams emit SUBSTANTIALLY (well over 100x) higher amounts of mercury vapor than what the FDA is willing to admit isn't so much as a concern to you then you must be living a pretty scary life
that said, i emphasize; i am not here to hold your hand through every step to understanding all of this
i have my own problems—namely, money, and the fact that i don't have emeramide myself, and have been trying to get some for awhile now
do your own research; i'm too bloody exhausted to push everything at you

pic related is one of the best images ever

>> No.11179237 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

castration increases longevity because it reduces testosterone, which in turn greatly reduces the toxic effects of heavy metals such as mercury
keep your dick and take emeramide every day instead
make sure that the emeramide you buy can dissolve in fatty oils, dmso, or alcohol by testing it yourself
if it doesn't dissolve, it's useless

>> No.11174483 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find minimalism pretty irritating
how 99% of minimalist "art" and "music" can be claimed to be stimulating to anyone just goes to show how insecure people are about their intelligence
and, they're insecure for a good reason
we're dying
we're getting more and more stupid, and lethargic
men are being fucking full-on murdered via mercury in vaccinations, and silver dental amalgam fillings that were introduced in the 1970s, known as "high-copper" amalgams
this isn't even to mention sòy and pseudoestrogenic plastics
mercury's toxic effects are amplified by male hormones
likely testosterone

the people who ignore this information will live most of their lives as NPCs and die as NPCs
their children will suffer a worse fate
their mothers will get their vaccines, and their fetuses will be exposed to massive doses of highly-pervasive ethylmercury prenatally
each generation, more and more defective
their genetics, literally corrupted and destroyed by mercury

a chemical called emeramide is the only thing known to man that can fully protect from this, and treat mercury poisoning
it is completely non-toxic
it can cure the autistic, and stop mercury poisoning from destroying and killing an individual

stop settling for the same three piano chords for 20 minutes
uniform grey walls, and houses with no heritage
only living out of necessity
each day, another black-and-white episode of "my tiny life", with color commercials of multiculturalism that you're forced to watch with wide-open eyes in-between
while you suffer and die
while what is precious to you fades into the mist of your failing memory
while all memories of you fall helplessly into the pitch-black void of the fabric of time
unimportant, and impersonal

>> No.11174467 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find minimalism pretty irritating
how 99% of minimalist "art" and "music" can be claimed to be stimulating to anyone just goes to show how insecure people are about their intelligence
and, they're insecure for a good reason
we're dying
we're getting more and more stupid, and lethargic
men are being fucking full-on murdered via mercury in vaccinations, and silver dental amalgam fillings that were introduced in the 1970s, known as "high-copper" amalgams
this isn't even to mention sòy and pseudoestrogenic plastics
mercury's toxic effects are amplified by male hormones
likely testosterone

the people who ignore this information will live most of their lives as NPCs and die as NPCs
their children will suffer a worse fate
their mothers will get their vaccines, and their fetuses will be exposed to massive doses of highly-pervasive ethylmercury prenatally
each generation, more and more defective
their genetics, literally corrupted and destroyed by mercury

a chemical called emeramide is the only thing known to man that can fully protect from this, and treat mercury poisoning
it is completely non-toxic
it can cure the autistic, and stop mercury poisoning from destroying killing an individual

stop settling for the same three piano chords for 20 minutes
uniform grey walls, and houses with no heritage
only living out of necessity
each day, another black-and-white episode of "my tiny life", with color commercials of multiculturalism that you're forced to watch with wide-open eyes in-between
while you suffer and die
while what is precious to you fades into the mist of your failing memory
while all memories of you fall helplessly into the pitch-black void of the fabric of time
unimportant, and impersonal

>> No.11097695 [View]
File: 24 KB, 437x253, Majority-are-Boys-with-Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mercury exposure is causing the majority of high-testosterone males of the millennial and zoomer generations to become autistic
the few studies that have been performed to evaluate the toxicity of mercury in males vs females indicate that mercury is much more toxic in males
the researchers behind these studies believe that testosterone amplifies the toxic effects of mercury
to get to the point that i wish to convey, start watching at 9:45

emeramide, or NBMI, is the drug that could save these generations, and future generations, from the effects of healthy males all being given brain damage and other physiological ailments characteristic of autism
NBMI has NO side effects, and has proven itself in studies to only improve the health of those who take it, regardless of how much mercury they have in them
the FDA has been trying to keep this drug from people for eight years now, and left-wing media publications have soundly demonized and ridiculed NBMI and the man behind bringing it to the market, dr. boyd haley
if you know any autistic children, suffer from autism yourself, or otherwise have or have had silver dental amalgam fillings(!!!) or have gotten so much as ONE vaccination or injection that has thimerosal in it, then remember the names—emeramide, or NBMI

sorry to type like a paranoid retard
the point still stands—males these days are weak because they are suffering from diseases that destroy their brain and body function
the strongest among us are suffering from autism, and all of the severe body dysfunction that it entails
this is the literal coordinated destruction of men and society

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