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>> No.11705318 [View]
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>You do realize these ideologies come from elsewhere right? 4chan is just regurgitating them into a version dumbasses can understand.
Yes, and it has come to the point where people take it for face value without understanding it's source material and hence simply disregard opinion or posts that it's a simply a myth. There's more discussion to the topic but those threads or conversations are diamonds in a cesspool.

>You are still in the denial stage.
I doubt it, I've gotten women either for a short fling or just a short relationship because I wanted to be close to someone but without setting a commitment. My issue stems from people are deluding themselves that they are incapable of getting women because of some bitter men when they really can. If there were identical twins with one frequenting 4Chan and the other being a normalfag, I'd bet that the 4Channer doesn't get shit while his twin goes to bars and fucks women whenever he wants. Call it denial all you want, I'm not here to change your beliefs in a single post but rather explain my view points.

> I said I get attractive women, probably better than anything you've ever had.
If it helps you sleep better at night, sure go ahead and believe that.

>It doesn't change the fact that the rest of you have a raw deal.
The only raw deal people really have here is their attitude and incapability of sperging out in a social scale. I've been browsing /pol/ for years now and /r9k/ too, believing that you can't do it because of the notion that it's by birthright rather than putting actual effort and moving out of your safe space is what gets me.

Dude I never said to be yourself, I said blend in and take advantage of social norms to your benefit.

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