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>> No.14726291 [View]
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720k reporting in. Getting MATIC 2.0 vibes. And PoS mainnet coming next month. Comfy af.

>> No.13728165 [View]
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I think DENT is going to go to the stratosphere very soon. June marks 2 years of being used by actual telecoms in the USA and worldwide.

Nobody talks about it here. Nobody cares about it according to search analytics. It has barely pumped in 2019, and sats are very strong vs. It.

What's going to change? V2 of their data marketplace app is launching soon, and will be linked to ATT and Verizon accounts directly.

Basically, you heard it here first. No shill groups are being paid to pump it, no market maker will touch it. What is going to happen will be the result of name recognition fomo when normies look for something to buy.

>> No.13591206 [View]
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ETH $200 by next Wed.

>> No.13354062 [View]
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Vechain - one of the extremely small number of crypto being used and integrated into real world products and industry at this moment in time.

Shoes, gaming consoles, wine, luxury foods...and shilled hard by DNV GL.

I thought it was supposed to be a chink scam? If it's a scam, what part of all of this shit is the scam?

Why go to all this effort of making a real product if it's just a hustle? Is it all smoke and mirrors. If so, what is DNVGL doing scamming with these chinks?

>> No.13212292 [View]
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When u thinks and to what price range?

>> No.13171259 [View]
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Nice try wagecuck. Everyone knows that NEET life is the dream life.

>> No.13114641 [View]
File: 161 KB, 1080x1350, 5AB38A6D-559F-4523-B8DC-4E18F4E2A242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know this thot’s IG, she was posted as a thread girl a little while ago and I still really need it

This is a good thing. Why would you ever reveal 100% of yourself to someone? There are things you should keep only to yourself

>> No.13040039 [View]
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How do we convince chinkmoot to join brave rewards? This faggot does nothing to update or manage the site.

>> No.12956576 [View]
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Is enjin wallet actually using kyber for token transmutation?

>> No.12893495 [View]
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If you have $20k in crypto right now, you will be a millionaire in 10 years and all you have to do is hold onto it.

Just....fucking relax. Accumulate during the bear market, and fucking relax. You already made it.

Chase moonshots if you want, but keep your btc and eth stack high and safe. You already won and its just a matter of time till the world acknowledges it.

>> No.12879804 [View]
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