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>> No.58553026 [View]
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check this other AVAX thread out >>58551950
apparently the DTCC is also low key bullish on Avalanche.

>> No.58300633 [View]
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Hello Niggers, I have more AVAX than ever.

>> No.58029650 [View]
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underdeveloped amygdala detected

>> No.57964254 [View]
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>reduce fees of centralized L2s
>people spam transaction
>last time during Inscriptions Arbitrum crashed at not even 5 million tx while the Avalanche C-Chain did 8 million+ tx just fine
>so the L2s will crash again
>you wont be able to access your money

the "upgrade" fixes nothing.

>> No.57789489 [View]
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>he doesnt load up on AVAX during this dip

>> No.57669705 [View]
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Hello Niggers, I have @v@x

>> No.57519426 [View]
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>meanwhile Avalanche (all Subnets included) works flawless

>> No.57214259 [View]
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sell all that shit and buy AVAX

>> No.57131707 [View]
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its extremely bullish for Avalanche tho.
cant wait to see all the seethe once Avalanche flips Ethereum, the Butthurt will be insane.
>"but but ETH was supposed to go to 10k and now it only dumps because everyone is building on this damn avax instead"

>> No.57019994 [View]
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EVMs have inscriptions which is the same thing.
Then whoever is behind it spams the network with it to try and kill it. its kinda like a DDOS.
The worst about this is that this basically kills the EVM and its not even clear if improvements to the EVM itself could solve these spam issues because these inscriptions will always be cheaper than ERC20 or NFTs.
Avalanche has the best approach because of Subnet scaling but in Theory you can spam any permissionless network with inscriptions. its a never ending cat and mouse game.
crypto changed and not for the better.

>> No.56964567 [View]
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>seething nigger still cant figure out that Avalanche is one of the God Protocols

>> No.56820325 [View]
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Got already swallowed by Avalanche.

Better buy some AVAX instead.

>> No.56755035 [View]
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Avalanche is getting adopted by TradFi, they want to use Avalanche Subnets for RWA tokenization which is a 68 trillion dollar market.
so these Trillions will all go through Avalanche Subnets, and not into other shitcoins.

>> No.56604823 [View]
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slow and steady

>> No.56489483 [View]
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according to EGS its a nothingburger
>Quantum Computing (QC) is a fascinating development, and luckily, QC-safe crypto has been developing counter-techniques in tandem. We have a PR ready to deploy lattice cryptography on Avalanche if and when QC begins to become a practical threat. I'm excited about the possibilities of QC overall for humankind, and it is not the death knell that some people fear it could be, at least, not for a system like Avalanche that evolves fast and has already anticipated this issue.

>> No.56287041 [View]
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Kadena Trannies must be some of the dumbest motherfuckers on this board and on 4chan in general.
Its mindboggeling, these low IQ manlets cant even figure out their Gender but they believe they know anything about Crypto, Blockchains, Security or Decentralization.
After several years they still dont get it that their useless failed Ghostchain without Smartcontracts, DeFi, Users and TVL is going nowhere.
nobody gives a shit about it. there is zero Business development going on.
No Bank, no Institution, no Government gives the slightest of a fuck about Kadena, you will never see them mentioned on a Slide by SWIFT or by a Bank managing Trillions.
There is no such thing as a "Kadena Summit" because the 3 IP hopping troons that hold the -98% bags cant afford a Bus ticket and the losers calling themselves "Developers" aka Scammers cant afford a room for them anyway.
There isnt even a real Community for it to begin with, just the already mentioned handful of Troons hired by Coinmetro that cant even Meme, they spam the Board with anime pictures they stole from somewhere else because a Troon has zero creativity.
There are no memes and nothing original about their shitcoin and anyone who spends more than a day here can see they arent Anons but Shills and that they dont belong here. They cant even say NIGGER.
Knowing all this its comical to see one of these Troons sperg out and direct their hate at Chainlink and Avalanche which have the Superior communities, OC Memes, Technology that will actually change the World and Selfmade anime Waifus.
Its like a Troon looking at a beautiful Woman and seething at her because he can never be like her. Thats what they gotta feel like when they see our Threads.

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