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>> No.9563030 [View]
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nigger maybe you should read up on hitlers economic miracle. he transformed germany from third world status to the richest country in europe within 3 years. simply by giving money back to the people and taking it away from the central banking cabal.

you leftards talking about redistribution dont understand that we are not evven in control of our own money. when you have fractional reserve banking and a debt-based money system everything is on its head. the people work to serve the economy, it should be exactly the other way around. now you libtard morons decided taht you simply need to redistribute even more wealth. that is doctoring around the symptoms instead of going for the root cause -> central banking and a government thats in bed with said bankers. read some feder and maybe you will understand. this has all been field tested btw and proven insanely effective. in contrast to communism and redistribution of wealth which has always failed in history.

p.s. its spelt laissez faire and Im not advocating for it.

>> No.5782783 [View]
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>You don’t get taxed when you are born

you dumb nigger my first very purchase I made in life was taxed with 16% VAT. My mom had to wipe my ass the day I was born and she paid VAT on that napkin too.

>You have options

Yes I can leave everything I have behind, my friends, family, culture. Wow what great options. Its like I put you in a cell and you can always commit suicide, so youre not really my prisoner. What are you complaining about. YOU GOT OPTIONS AFTER ALL. Thats a sick, demented and cynical way to look at things you sad fuck.

>muh anarchims

dont lump me in with those faggots you moron. Im a NatSoc by blood and as such Im against taxation of all forms. Now before you go on about "lol muh fascism was taxing people too" I suggest you edumucate yourself by reading pic related. Now go KYS or fuck off back to plebbit you utter fag.

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