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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.27257900 [View]
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Jesus Christ, you /biz/ niggers are so fucking retarded that it nauseates me on a cellular level. Let me put this into a perspective that even the most limp-wristed, slack-jawed, and inbred of u dumb motherfuckers can understand it:

1.) AMC was smart to capitalize on this rally and take the opportunity to take bankruptcy totally off the table and clear up their debt for the next 2-3 years.

2.) They just received an updated price target by analysts of $23 a share being considered fair value. Their situation was worse pre-covid and they still traded around $30 a share.

3.) Theaters are being greenlit to open back up.

4.) Shorts haven’t closed their positions. They increased their positions since the shit happened and short interest float is about 82% now.

5.) Shut the fuck up.

Jesus Christ this is why none of you dumb motherfuckers can never get shit done and have to hop on the fucking coattails or reddit. You can’t even be fucked to do the most basic research. This is why your family doesn’t respect you and you’re all going to die alone. Unremembered and unloved. Eat shit.

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