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>> No.49339269 [View]
File: 394 KB, 2880x1634, 6FC2E128-7963-407C-808C-0BE94C8B7319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so what happened (other than the buy button getting turned off)?
Well, our friend Joe Biden extended the EO and gave said Asset mangers more time to gather themselves from being obliterated. Biden ended up extending the EO a few days later to May 27th 2021.

>pretty nice of him right? So what happened on May 27th 2021?
GME hit $344 (see pic) however Biden ONCE AGAIN extended the EO… now look, coincidences happen I won’t deny that. However, for ~some~ fucking reason, these sanctions LOVE forcing GME to run and making shorts shit the bed.

>Ok so what’s this EO?
As I stated before, we now have EO 14032 coming up on JUNE 3 2022 (one day after our shareholder meeting). With EO 14032, there are 70+ companies that are being sanctioned.

>why wouldn’t Biden just extend again?
This time I do not expect Biden to extended the EO as since last time it was extended the whole Ukraine invasion has happened and America has been more hostile in its threats to China RE- China’s desire to take Taiwan (which is of extreme strategic importance to Silicon Valley and the American military due to Semiconductors.).
Just the other day Biden said that the US would defend Taiwan if attacked by China. By allowing US companies to invest in these Chinese companies, it is funding the Chinese military and their goal to take Taiwan.

>> No.49323911 [View]
File: 394 KB, 2880x1634, F28165D5-B42F-457E-AE70-7E052F6D534C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so what happened (other than the buy button getting turned off)?
Well, our friend Joe Biden extended the EO and gave said Asset mangers more time to gather themselves from being obliterated. Biden ended up extending the EO a few days later to May 27th 2021.

>pretty nice of him right? So what happened on May 27th 2021?
GME hit $344 (see pic) however Biden ONCE AGAIN extended the EO… now look, coincidences happen I won’t deny that. However, for ~some~ fucking reason, these sanctions LOVE forcing GME to run and making shorts shit the bed.

>Ok so what’s this EO?
As I stated before, we now have EO 14032 coming up on JUNE 3 2022 (one day after our shareholder meeting). With EO 14032, there are 70+ companies that are being sanctioned.

>why wouldn’t Biden just extend again?
This time I do not expect Biden to extended the EO as since last time it was extended the whole Ukraine invasion has happened and America has been more hostile in its threats to China RE- China’s desire to take Taiwan (which is of extreme strategic importance to Silicon Valley and the American military due to Semiconductors.).
Just the other day Biden said that the US would defend Taiwan if attacked by China. By allowing US companies to invest in these Chinese companies, it is funding the Chinese military and their goal to take Taiwan.

>> No.49318855 [View]
File: 394 KB, 2880x1634, 8640ACCA-1F67-47F3-A60B-6274D857C126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HERE IS THE QRD: (Part 1/2)

>What is Executive Order 14032?
It’s a EO signed by Biden (originally Trump in Nov 2020 which was originally called EO 13959) that prohibits US entities from investing in military and surveillance related Chinese companies that support the Chinese military

>so what’s the big deal retard?
Well, funnily enough, many US asset managers like Blackrock, Vanguard, JP Morgan and MANY others have HUGE exposure to the Chinese companies that are included in the EO. Those Chinese assets are being used as collateral by those asset managers… in simple terms: once their billions of dollars in Chinese assets becomes worthless, our good friend Marge will be making a call to ask for her fucking money!

>how does this relate to the sneeze on Jan 28 2021
Well, let’s take a look back at Trumps OG EO he signed in Nov 2020… “EO 13959- Addressing the Threat From Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies”. This EO basically did what the new EO does however at the time, the old EO had far less companies on the sanctioned list.
However, what’s important here was the date this EO went into effect… January 28 2021 aka the day GME hit ATH and the buy button got turned off. (See pic)
In short, meme stocks rose hard but plummeted after the buy button got turned off temporarily.

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