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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.30017007 [View]
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If you want your bag to pump and have solid passive income you need to pool. Pooling infinity is cringe and gay, it doesn't contribute nearly as much to the ecosystem. Pool 30-40% Stanos and however much you want in Infinity/hold. Sure, you'll miss out on some potential extremely short term gains when STA pumps but you'll make it back in BAL rewards and the value of your BPT going up over the mid term. Now is the perfect time to pool since BTC/ETH/LINK/SNX are down and undoubtedly going back up, and even if they don't go back up you're still going to make bank off BAL/fees with balancer v2 coming out. Less than 100 people pooling in the balancer pools, this is pathetic.. Statera will thrive with adoption but not even its current holders are adopting it for its intended use case. If more of us pool the APY will be higher the high APY will attract more mid-long term investors, burn more tokens and increase positive price pressure on the token itself driving more and more volume until we're a 100m MC token with 2-3m daily volume from arbitrage being taken advantage of and new holders buying in to pool.



>> No.27018637 [View]
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If I've previously pooled on Balancer - setting up the proxy etc - I understand that I can then add and subtract from that pool without having to pay the setup fees again; i.e. it's a one-time setup fee.
But do you know if I can also add and subtract from OTHER Balancer pools I've never been in before without incurring the setup fee again? Or do you have to pay for every pool you want to join?

>> No.26777318 [View]
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is it irresponsible to try to convince people to buy this when the "team dont do anything and the token is slowly dying?

>> No.26763212 [View]
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im ready senpai

>> No.26327919 [View]
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>> No.26223893 [View]
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>> No.25075666 [View]
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Should I sell my 19k XRP stack for STA right now?

>> No.25032783 [View]
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>> No.24704880 [View]
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So I have held through all the STA pumps. I stupidly held when I should have sold near the top and rebought near the bottom. Should I sell the next pump?

>Do you think the next statera pump will stay at a high price or dump again like all the other pumps so far

>> No.24651087 [View]
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>> No.24573625 [View]
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Is now a good time to buy?

>> No.24557368 [View]
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Cool story bro, do you have a blog I could subscribe to? clearly you've done the research and discovered that only $300,000 liquidity and $22,000 volume is required to reach that 30% number, right? Seems like an easily attainable number, even with the holders we currently have not relying on marketing to bring new holders in to the mix...

>> No.24388765 [View]
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dashboard december is almost upon us

>he thinks the dashboard isnt the single most important development to date
>60/4300 wallets pooling phoenix
>people dont know what they bought or why
>dashboard will show everyone how much money there is to be made on a coin proven to be legit and not a rug/scam
>sustainable and high APY

do you guys have your floaties ready? the water is gonna be nice

>> No.24360617 [View]
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>> No.24001660 [View]
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Is this the next REQ?
If not, WHY not?

>> No.23160481 [View]
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>> No.22994540 [View]
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Opinions vary.

>Suicide STAtistic
Didn't buy or sold below 0.01, will buy at 100$

>Slow STArters
5k stack or less

Between 5k and 10k

>Suicide STAckers
Between 10k and 20k

Between 20k and 30k

Between 30k and 60k

between 60k and 100k

Between 100k and 250k

Between 250k and 500k

Between 500k and 1mil


>> No.22822124 [View]
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>> No.22731452 [View]
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>> No.22584615 [View]
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not a value, a percentage. with respect, you need to understand what an ETF is before you try to understand STA. imagine a pool that is 50% eth and 50% btc. say $50 of each. if bitcoin goes up and eth does not, you now have $60 of btc and $40 of eth, so the fund then has to sell $10 of bitcoin and buy $10 of eth to balance the pool again. very simplified explanation, but yes, to keep the pools with sta balanced, other assets mooning will cause them to be sold off to buy STA. the deflationary aspect of sta causes constant price fluctuations, causing constant rebalances, with a percentage of the fees going to people who provide liquidity (pool their assets). it took me weeks to fully get my head around it initially, but tldr STA is rocket fuel for balancer pools. DYOR as always, but basically btc/eth/link/syn all have to die for STA to fail.

>> No.22520975 [View]
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It's basically only shilled here, and by nobodies on twitter. We have an immense amount of room to grow.

>> No.22511472 [View]
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>he doesn't know

>> No.22505333 [View]
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>bitcoin pumps
>eth pumps
>link pumps
>synthetix pumps
>balancer buys all the statera in the world to keep up, continuing to burn supply and create ripples in every other pool
it's so fucking easy bros, all you have to do is not sell

>> No.22465685 [View]
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go ahead and post the dog poop pictures you have saved on your computer for these threads
>we're waiting

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