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>> No.52239781 [View]
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barely anyone understands that chainlink is neither a blockchain nor a dapp but a unique layer in between, critical for the entire ecosystem and uniquely positioned to financially benefit from every other layer

it's not a monolithic blockchain, but a never ending suite of products, each new product released greatly enhances the network's total potential for value capture

and unlike dapps, the link token is not a governance token, but once staking is live, it's similar to a PoS architecture with value capture built in

value capture from the most used middleware layer in the entire space, it's unprecedented, the reason market doesn't understand it is because there's zero precedent for this

i really want to urge the tourists and newfags who only came in in the last couple of years, saw chainlink spammed here daily but dismissed it or refused to do research because they saw the price action was disappointing

this moment in time is what the autists have been waiting for the last couple of years, it's essentially a soft relaunch of the entire network

not only are the tokenomics being switched on on the biggest cross chain, cross projects adoption monopoly, it's about to be supplemented by an entire new network product that's bound to capture an even bigger monopoly with even bigger value. It's transforming into a completely different beast within the next 12 months. SWIFT has already committed to using CCIP, it's five years in the making and finally about to drop. none of this is priced in.

>> No.51283003 [View]
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I am so thankful I got fully linkpilled in 2018 during the bear market and when the signal-to-noise ratio was optimal. Constant 300+ replies threads exploring potential use cases and daily breadcrumbs research, it was biz at its peak and in these unique conditions, so many forged crazy dreams and iron convictions.

>> No.49977607 [View]
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>make a non EVM chan
>no leading dapps port to your chains
>even your native chains fail to gain any traction because chainlink cant be fuck to port their oracles and any native oracles you have are a shitshow
why? why do so many chains try to reinvent the wheel?
it's actually insane how much power chainlink holds at this point
all the ghostchains are begging them to port so they can have some semblance of a defi ecosystem
it's fucking insane that none of these chains engineers realized how important oracles are, it's like they learned literally nothing from vitalik's mistake and link's rise during the defi boom

>> No.49972502 [View]
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I am so thankful I got fully linkpilled in 2018 during the bear market and when the signal-to-noise ratio was optimal. Constant 300+ replies threads exploring potential use cases and daily breadcrumbs research, it was biz at its peak and in these unique conditions, so many forged crazy dreams and iron convictions.

Today it's impossible for a newfag to get immersed in this deep level of conversation, and therefore to grasp the full reach of its potential. It so easily gets overlooked, ignored, disregarded, because so much of the noise in the space is meaningless, og's (enjoying their success or simply waiting patiently) have internalized their insights and ceased discussing as much, therefore exposure to spoonfeeding is minimal.

In 2018, partaking in link threads was a genuinely surreal experience. A small autistic community had uncovered the opportunity of a lifetime, it wasn't just a "what if" possibility, but surrounded with absolute certitude, this was "the one". The most surreal aspect that if you did the research and understanding, you knew it was as real as it could get, but literally no one was talking about it anywhere else.

4 years later and all the og's just remain confident for the long term. All these countless hours digging into the oracle problem, smart contract use cases, understanding the implications of chain agnosticism, middleware adoption, tokenomics, etc. But for a casual observer, all they see is the weak short term price action, and it doesn't incentivize them to research further. "Oh, it's just another token like all the others, what's so different about this?". "Oracles and agnosticism? Sounds like techno babble, I don't get it, what does it do that Cardano can't do?".

With staking and CCIP on the horizon, everything will change. Everything. The switch will be flipped, big time. No one will be able to keep ignoring it. Either start research right now, or you'll be late. It's inevitable

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