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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.15773974 [View]
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This is one of the most obvious Pump and Dump scams in all of crypto. This thread is posted daily by Satsgang and some autistic faggot named Denny Dagins. They have one goal, to pump their bags and dump on your head. This shitcoin is thinly traded. You WILL get stuck with your bags. The shills are lying about their gains and are paid to lie to you and hope you are dumb enough to buy this trash.
They lost $33M of presale investor funds to financial mismanagement. Their entire team abandoned their project, and they have only 3 employees. Their USAF partnership is fake, its just a small business

>> No.15758821 [View]
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This is a known Pump And Dump Scam by Denny Dagins (previously Megaman) and Luckeyy and Rn03xx. DO NOT BUY THIS FUCKING SCAM

Per the $33M lost in 18 months they just raised capital from Shillrock 2 weeks ago. That is proof they ran out.

Here is the SBIR contract they DAG received which spells out exactly what it is, a small business grant not a USAF contract.

Here is the entire team and their current positions. Every single one can be verified by going to their Linkedin profiles. They all left abandoned DAG and found new jobs.

Ryle Goehausen - VP of Engineering – currently a senior software engineer @ Bloomberg LP
Zac Russell – VP of Marketing is currently @ Camera IQ
Brion Hickey – VP of Product is currently the Sr. Director of Growth @ Human Interest
Sebastian Spitzer – Global Ambassador is now @ Shaeffler
Giovanni Valdenegro - Lead Product Designer is now Senior Product Designer @ Ease Inc.
Sophie Feinberg - Executive Assistant is now @ Virtual Mason's
Shreyas Kitty - Community Manager is now Community Manager @ Coinlist
Gina Rubino – Marketing Manager is now Digital Marketing Specialist @ Pegasus Protocol
Emily Arth – VP of Operations does not have a Linkedin profile but is assumed to be gone as well, she hasn’t posted anything or been mentioned since 2018.
Altif Brown – CCO and Co-Founder downgraded to Advisor on the teams own website, proving he is no longer a full time employee.
Brendan Playford – CEO/Founder mysteriously disappeared in 2018 and the team to this day refuses to discuss what happened and claim to be under a hush order from their lawyers. An insider accused him of day trading investor funds for massive losses prior to his departure. When pressed to explain the team pleaded the 5th.

>> No.15467821 [View]
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The relentless shills from DAG (Constellation Labs) have agreed to allow an investigative journalist question the team and community about their business, how they promote themselves, and many of the questions they consistently ban you for in their TG Community.

The shills have agreed with the Fudders to let an investigative journalist decide if this company is for real or just a scam. If anyone has contacts with any crypto-journalist they will be allowed to publicly publish their findings.

Why this is interesting is their former CEO disappeared in 2018 amid a report by an insider that he had been day trading investor funds and took on massive losses. The insider also said the current team was encouraging this behavior out of greed and helped cover up the crimes. This explains why they are now completely out of capital and had to lay off their entire staff, only 3 people remain.

But if you visit their community it looks to be the opposite. They claim they are now "partnered" with the USAF. This ended up being a lie and was proven to be a small research grant awarded to 600+ other companies.
They lied about their NASA RFP claiming they weren't sure if they won or not but it was already public information they had lost and just wouldn't tell their community.
They have lied or hyped paid "partnerships" like MOBI as huge accomplishments when in reality they filled out an application and wrote a check.
They ban anyone who asks basic due diligence questions like how many employees they have, or why all their employees no longer work at their company.

Constellation Labs have not agreed to this investigation yet, but they may not need to agree for it to happen. They can plead the 5th like they have done in the past and people can make of it what they want.

I for one and excited to see how this shakes out. They shill their token here on multiple threads daily and obviously PnD constantly on any news they can muster up. They need to be shut down.

>> No.14802732 [View]
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Millions of tokens dumped after team continues to refuse to answer rumors of former CEO day trading losses with investor funds. The team is still dodging accusations and refusing to address the insider tip from a year ago. They are banning constantly in the TG channel anyone who asks, and putting out suspicious PR why they dont want to answer the accusations.
They have coordinated PR on Biz and Twitter and now claim the company just doesnt want to "lose face" by owning up to the day trading scandal. In reality they arent trying to save face, they understand that admitting its true will kill their project, and publicly denying it would put them in a heap of trouble with the SEC if proven to be misleading.
DAG has only one option to regain confidence in the market. Come out and admit it happened, show how much money was lost, and show a current balance sheet so their financial position is clear. Until then, this token will be heading straight for zero followed by endless lawsuits.
This is what happens when you dont DYOR. Any digging would show this team of amateurs had no idea what they were doing from the beginning other than grabbing cash and putting on the roulette wheel to fuel their greed. Just look at the original tokenomics, everything they were doing was so obvious. Prepare for the dumping to continue until the team puts out an official statement in email address to all current and former investors.

>> No.13073744 [View]
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The CEO Ben Jorgensen is opening a new restaurant in San Francisco. Its the only thing in his twitter feed. He no longer posts about Constellation Labs and the team itself has disappeared. Most of the staff have been let go. Did we just lose all our money?
And before some jackass says everything is fine because their Github is active active, it doesnt fucking matter. So they raised $33M bucks and they have one programmer left. That doesnt mean they are "focusing on enterprise". That means they are out of money and about to collapse. Shutting down any communications with their community makes sure nobody can ask any difficult questions they love to avoid.

They need to be grilled by their investment community to release information to prove they are solvent. This is fucking bullshit.

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