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>> No.56459050 [View]
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>tfw only 500 pinkers

Will I make it bros or am I getting the cuckshed

>> No.56436129 [View]
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To live is to fight against the undying light. The struggle is part of the journey.

>> No.50451883 [View]
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Fapbait Edition

Fellow lunchads and acolytes of the moon, let's try and keep all the LUNCposting to one thread.

Feel free to discuss hopium, lambo colors, and when you predict LUNC will hit the $1 mark.
What's your current stack? And when are you planning to sell? What'll you buy with your gains?

The latest news about the coin itself:
>Terra Rebels is a group of community devs currently working on implementing the 1.2% burn tax
>the Binance wallets are holding over 6 trillion LUNC, while still accumulating (no, these aren't users' coins)
>Do Kwon is being hounded by the authorities, and is currently evading South Korean prosecution by staying in Singapore
>SK prosecutors are teaming up with their USA counterparts in a joint investigation into the Terra crash
>CZ says Binance will (probably) back the community's wishes on implementing a transaction burn
>Burn tax to be implemented on-chain by August 22nd (validators), and off-chain after that (cexes)
>Terra Rebels release whitepaper and future roadmap/proposal: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.01700.pdf
>analysis of LUNC and UST movements, as well as Binance wallet: https://lunc.rfvl.de/index.html
>LUNC's price currently crabbing and holding around $0.00010 for the past couple of days

Previous thread: >>50409971 (Cross-thread)

>> No.30095267 [View]
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I literally got pnd'd in the stock market. The moment I bought it went down 50% over the course of 2 days.

>> No.29675852 [View]
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CLF just keeps on dropping

dubs predicts the bottom.

>> No.29674696 [View]
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Guys I have 15 CAKE and 400 BAKE at yesterday's price. Did I fuck up or is there any chance these two will recover? I really don't feel too good right now.

>> No.28902076 [View]
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>> No.27457832 [View]
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>> No.27114757 [View]
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Yes exactly this. They will dump everything.

>> No.26995792 [View]
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I don't really understand what the hell blockchains or ledgers are. I don't understand what the point of any of these coins is except financial speculation. I don't understand how to research whether a coin "has potential" because I don't see what these stupid things are doing besides going up and down in the markets.

shitcoins are a meme desu.

>> No.26982879 [View]
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now i'm priced out forever

>> No.25005185 [View]
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that's if you can't take assignment

or if you take assignment and the stock sucks

>> No.21945967 [View]
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the main net is coming out really soon... this is the time to acoomulate

>> No.21582140 [View]
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keep edging lads, this is gonna moon soon

>> No.21407659 [View]
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every time

>> No.21362497 [View]
File: 75 KB, 640x960, link gf in the morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one last one in case it helps a random poorfag
Asian qt gf of prosperity

>> No.21335422 [View]
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>> No.21146717 [View]
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>> No.21088527 [View]
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same here

>> No.18581943 [View]
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is this finally the 30% drop?

haha, fag.

>> No.13352255 [View]
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When Mainnet?

>> No.13073924 [View]
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Be Honest /biz/
Did Anyone Actually Read The White Paper# >Before Putting Money In It?

>> No.11701165 [View]
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250 is some, right? We'll hold our bags together, fren.

>> No.11678681 [View]
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