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>> No.56410368 [View]
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Mix of both personally. I've already mostly reached my goal for raw weight, so now i just have to wait for the metal value to go up, which let me time to focus a bit more on the numis side. And now is a pretty great time to dive in, because so many boomers are croaking/going to the retirement home, and their heirs are dumping their collections for way below the market price of few years prior, since they have no attachment to it they don't care. They just want a quick bux.

Like the stamps in a way, but nothing as dramatic, since stamp collections lost approx 99% of their value over the last decade. It's pretty disheartening to witness this trend on ebay, where you see auctions titled "$9,500 collection" going for $2. But numis will rebound eventually (i hope). Though stamps collection lost it's appeal also because nobody sends letters anymore. It's something who left the collective mind pretty much entirely. And coins are following the same digitalization trend. In a not so distant future, coins as a whole will entirely disapear and kids will wonder what those round pieces of metal could have been used for. So maybe coinage will too be doomer to disappear from the collective mind, as most non-digitalized things.
That's why i also like to delve into silverware, because no matter how digitalized the neo-human become, he'll always have to put something in his mouth and chew it up to survive.

Unless we end up like in Matrix, with needles and gastric tubes feeding us with dead corpses of course.

But when i talk about numis, i only take into account real numismatics, with sovl. Meaning circulating coins who became collectibles, but weren't destined to. Not modern meme trash like this >>56410073 where bullion dealers come up with a new design every two minutes to try to rip you off with insane premiooms. 99% of those will end up in the for-melt-value bin within a decade. They always do. You can't force something into becoming a collectible just out of greed.

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