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>> No.938263 [View]
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>Other than the whole "Labor Theory of Value" thing though.
Marginalism is hilariously shit.
see: >>938246
and pic related

>And the "Dialectical Materialism" thing.
Ever heard of Stephen Jay Gould? He might beg to differ. You are probably thinking of the Leninist bastardization of it.

>And the whole "I'm going to create an ideology without taking a single moment to observe the world around me, acquire economic data, or interview a factory worker or factory owner" thing.
Lol. Marx set new standards in terms of using data. He was also a fucking journalist. And his best friend, Friedrich Engels, was the son of a factory owner and he sent Marx data on the factory all the damn time!
From the fucking wikipedia entry on him:
"Marx goes on to illustrate how the same factors can in different historical contexts produce very different results, so that quick and easy generalisations are not really possible. To indicate how seriously Marx took research, it is interesting to note that when he died, his estate contained several cubic metres of Russian statistical publications (it was, as the old Marx observed, in Russia that his ideas gained most influence)."
Without interviewing a single factory worker you say?
Well about every 1 in 200 people in the entire world associated with the First International, which he was a major part of. Is that proof that maybe they saw something good in it?

>And that period where he lived in England but refused to learn English.
So what? He did learn to speak English though.

You might be thinking of capitalism.
I hate liberals too. What you seem to not understand is that you are also a liberal.

That's not how socialism works. Socialism =/= income redistribution. If you had any idea what you were actually talking about, you'd know you just made a great argument for socialism.

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