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>> No.8579446 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is poetry. Fucking sad poetry.
Link is literally my only hope in this shitshow of a market, it's the only thing with the potential to transcend these useless pump and dump scams.

And that image sums the situation up perfectly.

>> No.8494659 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong answer, see: >>8494500
Don't ever let pieces of shit push you around. OP should just withdraw everything from the exchange and tell those kikes to fuck off.

>> No.8471831 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Larping again
>as that bear cocksucker
Oh (you)...

>> No.8394127 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDOS when? Bitcoin is being fucked with in order to liquidate leveraged positions, and it's taking the whole market down with it. Remove the BitMexicans, you know it's the only way.

>> No.8286231 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure 33 does count as old around here.
Now would you like to hear a story about how in my day, when you wanted to look something up you had to walk to the library, go through drawers of cards that listed books by the Dewey Decimal System (based on topic, title, author and so on), then you would roam through the aisles looking for the number for your book, and when you found the book you had to look in the index in the back to find the page number for the one time your topic was mentioned in the whole book, then flip to that page and read the sentence that was outdated by forty years and had been proven false by a man who had died twenty years ago, whose book was not available at that library? Good because you just did.
Those were the good old days! You kids got screwed!

>> No.8284732 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mentally ill is right, but I think it's just a little depression from life kicking OPs ass for too long. I've been there, and it's nothing a few psychedelic experiences in pristine wilderness and positive thinking exercises can't fix. Just stay away from psych meds like anon said, those hijack your brain's reward system, which can really fuck you up in the long run.
You can be a winner.
You are smart.
Nothing can stop you.
You can do this, if not now with Chainlink, then the next opportunity that comes along, because you ARE good enough.

>> No.8265999 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now you're really fucked! Did you jump on in time?

>> No.8265114 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shills and FUDers hurt real people, sometimes beyond the point of no return. People need to remember that when they are on the internet lying for fun and profit, and we should really try to work instead toward honest and constructive discussion on here.
Because karma is a bitch.
>inb4: go back to R*ddit fag XDD

>> No.8245817 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be open and honest to anons about this beautiful little scheme. By occasionally explaining the ingenious steps that are to be taken toward victory, I will be the good cop to the fake FUDers bad cop. All of this will be done with complete sentences and coherent English.


Thank you!

>> No.8244228 [View]
File: 22 KB, 526x335, 2aa9891098a338c73a5932c1013b7d2c1638108889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a true American Native though!

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