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>> No.16932434 [View]
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does anyone here even have at least 1 BTC to their name? I'm starting to think all of yous are just one big LARP circus

>> No.16369365 [View]
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is this capitulation?

>> No.16316586 [View]
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>ITT, desperate linkers try to persuade a whale to market buy their bags
Might as well tell him where your sells are just in case he doesn't hit it LINKtards

>> No.16227203 [View]
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while y'all compare LINK larps here, Sergey is dumping on your heads. Remember that always

>> No.16213612 [View]
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On one hand, LINK was 20 cents this time last year. On the other hand, this is all so tiresome

>> No.16178482 [View]
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this coin will pump to $5 and LINK will fall to $1.77

>> No.16156897 [View]
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good nulinker, you are beginning to learn

>> No.16133595 [View]
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imagine thinking $1000 EOY is not a meme

>> No.16071822 [View]
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some of us yeah. some have already sold the bottom and are still waiting to buy in. Some will sell too early, and lose their tickets to making it. many will be overcome by greed and fail to sell the top yet again

>> No.16059215 [View]
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Alright LINKtards stop shitting up the board a bout muh Oracle announcement. Decide here and now, once and for all, whether the announcement will be a:
>Big Fat Nothing Burger
>The Second Coming of Moses
and whether LINK will
Trips decide, shoot

>> No.15989693 [View]
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>he thinks he's going to make it in crypto

>> No.15863235 [View]
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deluded bagholder

>> No.15838425 [View]
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those are daily chad candles you mong buy now or stay virgin

>> No.15798050 [View]
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>5 continuous days of green
I wonder what comes next?

>> No.15722552 [View]
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good point, except its literally crashing

>> No.15709931 [View]
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wish i sold some so i can take a 6 months holiday in asia. instead i gotta continue NEETing it up with the rents.

>> No.15008435 [View]
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If you knew why you did it?

>> No.14978439 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 103 KB, 681x1024, 1520393445876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone from biz in Cambodia, Phnom Penh right now?
If so let's meet up. No Homo

>> No.14917302 [View]
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Lmao @ ego inflated šoi boi.
You literally running server room nothing more.
You just have to calculate expenses and amortization of miners. You could also include btc price fluctuation bit that's not necessary if you got access to cheap electricity.
Just plug in and check if they work.

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