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>> No.54215270 [View]
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>1st paragraph
pure conjecture about some sort of triumphant "refusal" which had nothing to do with the company's incapability to operate the mine, which was only proclaiming the shill's own meme about muh COMEX
>2nd paragraph
first claim is factually incorrect because the mine simply is not proven to be profitable at any price of silver, because there are no economic/feasibility studies nor actual production done to support the claim. Second claim is only half-true considering O'Neill's "own money" is simply siphoned off of the company's funds, which have been attained through dilution. In practice it's the shareholders' money. Poor operations ensured that the funds originally intended for reaching the company's goals were not met with the allocated capital, so the CEO had to use his "own" money to keep the company above water at a time when stupid capital wasn't available.
>3rd paragraph
first claim fails to mention that the offtaker refinery is located somewhere overseas (terrible logistics indicative of the quality of work that can be seen in the company's operations throughout). Second claim is just regurgitating the company's baseless claims. In fact they have produced zero ounces commercially.
>4th paragraph
first claim is not only false (as it's just repeating the company's unfounded estimates) but also based on the flawed premise that high grades automatically mean low costs. Second claim is a stunning leap of logic.
>5th paragraph
Plenty more than 18 companies produce over 1Moz Ag a year. And I don't think there are any that produce exclusively silver and nothing else but I'll be happy to be proven wrong on that.
>6th paragraph
The "silver dividends" were not a dividend. Silver was promised as an option for debentures and warrants as a convertible. No agreements on "silver dividends" were ever made.

pic related is another hilarious shilling artefact, of which I sadly don't have many downloaded.

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