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>> No.58508465 [View]
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Communist bootlickers taking Adam Smith out of context.
Tale as old as time.

>> No.57881349 [View]
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>They are right though
lmao so you think pumping trillions of dollars of new demand into the market wont massively raise prices and cause shortages?

>I have literally never met a comrade who was not getting laid, even the trans comrades.
Everyone knows communists and nazis are incels.
If you're authoritarian, you're an incel.

>The working class will win.
I agree, for them to win, communism will lose.

>> No.57107078 [View]
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>They are now demonizing human rights and programs needed to help the under privilaged and keep the economy functioning for regular people.
Cry about it.

I can't wait for in a few years Argentina is a prosperous nation and Libertarianism is regarded as an extremely effective path to prosperity.

You're literally crying that Argentina is trying to be more like Singapore, Switzerland, Estonia, Taiwan etc.

>> No.52362906 [View]
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>>all words are made up
No, some terms are bullshit and make no logical sense.
According to the marxoid definition of capitalism, the ussr and maoist china were capitalist because they still had a tiny amount of private firms.

>What if huggies and deppends and kelogs all got together to corrupt a towns local court to favor ownership rights in a particular area
There is no state to corrupt. There would be competing legal orders. It would be far too expensive for them to do this and operate their firms at the same time.

>Again this is some idealistic bullshit.
Then why did it exist a million times in history? lmao
>they think the whole economy will just get along because of such idealistic bullshit like the NAP
lmao the NAP is a threat, not some "lets all get along" bullshit
If you violate the NAP you will be prosecuted or killed.

>literally military conflict between Huggies and Deppends.
Yes, if there's anything firms like it's wasting money on military action lmao

>It's amazing how SMOOTH an ancaps brain is lmfao.
lmao communists can't stop projecting
there's a reason why ancaps always kick their skulls in debates

>> No.51662815 [View]
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>Lolberts always get defeated by Commies
lmao every time a communist subhuman debates a libertarian, the commie gets rekt

>> No.50708974 [View]
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Just think: NEETs used to think their trump card was not having to go anywhere and being able to lie on their beds browsing 4chins etc. all day. Now thanks to Covid and WFH, the rest of us do that but also get paid vast multiples of whatever paltry amount they get in NEETbux. Think how fucking furious they must be, the dawning realisation that they've wasted their prime years.

>> No.50634299 [View]
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also, by the way
Shut the fuck up commie bootlicker.

You people need to be physically removed.
You enjoy wageslaving 80 hour weeks for federal reserve notes, meanwhile Libertarians want to radically reduce your working hours.

Fucking cuck lol

>> No.50621620 [View]
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If you are a socialist, you are not an anarchist.
You need a state to enforce collectivism. Never in the history of humanity has a stateless society been collectivist.
It makes literally zero sense.

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