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>> No.49451503 [View]
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>Now how about you lay down the theory yourself before I read it ? You are certainly capable of it right ?

Why though? You haven't responded to a single one of my requests for sources on your claims and are just repeating your argument without any additional reason behind it, making your posts completely worthless. I've provided a fairly large amount of supporting evidence from multiple sources as well as further reading which I would suggest you do. Until you go back and read through my replies to you and come up with the information and / or argumentation I've requested, then there's nowhere for this discussion to go besides you accepting you either can't or won't give me what I've asked for. You can't just skip over the part where you justify your claims and produce both evidence for them and against mine, then start ragging on about short term GDP when I've already explained to you that fighting a world war just to stop a country from trying a particular system of economics suggests that said system would be both successful in practice, and a threat to the current system which causes misery to everyone except those in power and their cronies. You cannot sit there with a straight face and tell me the good guys won WWII and still blame Hitler for anything happening now. Hitler lost. The world is like it is because the banks took control of the world instead of the Nazis. We have no idea what the world would have been like under that system, because it was sabotaged. Arguing it would be worse than what we have now, however, is a claim that requires a vast amount of evidence and reasoning behind it, of which you have none.

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