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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58495900 [View]
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>It was a test of the CAT, this thing no one had heard of until the other day AND, okay AND DFV said he was not a CAT three years ago during the hearings. Are you starting to see? Okay, Ryan never sold the 45 million shares, it's a fake out 4d chess move to fool hedgies, plus it's bullish since it gives us all warrants. Also he and Icahn are shadowchairmen of Teddy and have purchased BBBYQ to extra fuck over the US financial system. You'll see when the US courts find that hedge funds have been committing fraud.

babe wake up new pasta just dropped kek
gotta bring out one of my classic shilling gifs for this one
>inb4 muh 'not the real Chadshill'

>> No.56678816 [View]
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>Every share of BBBYQ will be converted to a share of TEDDY, Every short position of BBBYQ will be converted to a short position of TEDDY. Dougie is short millions of BBBYQ @ $0.07, which will convert to a short position of TEDDY. TEDDY will go to thousands per share, so Dougie is fucked.

>> No.56409871 [View]
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>XRP is the system's financial escape hatch from the GME MOASS.

>We all know the DTCC committed international securities fraud via misfiling the splivvy and that much of the implied short bag is being held by foreign institutions the Federal Reserve can't bail out. The recent "XRP is not a security but Ripple still isn't off the hook" order gives these foreign banks a chance to buy enough XRP to weather the storm at a $50K valuation while XRP is still trading under a dollar due to US institutions being locked out of buying for now. Ripple winning the case outright or coming to a settlement that retains "not a security" clarity for US institutions will unlock the escrow and then XRP is off to the moon. We saw the initial "not a security" ruling follow several months after heat lamp so we should expect the case to end after the GME MOASS begins.

>I'm not saying to load up on XRP instead of buying GME; quite the opposite. I'm saying depending on timing you may be able to parlay some GME MOASS winnings into even more wealth depending on how long post MOASS it takes for the XRP ruling to happen. This also implies the MOASS will probably happen this year as the XRP case will be resolved by H1 next year.

>> No.56254490 [View]
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>Teddy shares will be the only safe haven in the black swan event. Unironically it’s a bobo

>> No.53235631 [DELETED]  [View]
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It's pretty simple really...
>*hits pipe*
Several billion-dollar conspirators are openly operating a huge scam by over-shorting Gamestop (GME), with all regulators and government officials complicit in the fraud, all at the expense of noble 4chan & reddit NEETs. All financial reporting websites and metrics are wrong; the "bad guys" are somehow able to keep all these mega-shorts off their books with tricky accoalunting, but our esteemed reddit DD'ers have assured us - they still haven't covered!
>*hits pipe*
The entire stock market crash is because of GME. See, the hedge funds and investment banks need to continue selling assets in order to keep their over-exposed GME shorts from liquidating. The genius that is Ryan Cohen started a 'ticking clock' by announcing a stock-split dividend that *may* come into effect after June 2nd. Never mind how that would cause a short-squeeze... it just could, okay!?
>*hits pipe*
Once the market is in shambles, the whole financial system brought to its knees, the true MOASS will begin... the government, Federal Reserve and banking institutions will be powerless as the GME price starts to climb... 4-figures, 5-figures, 6-figures... they won't engage in any shenanigans, nor will they change rules, institute emergency measures, etc., because that would just be unfair! The entire system will have to implode and 4channers/redditors will be the only ones left standing, with riches beyond your wildest dreams.
>*hits pipe*
So, what do you say fellow 4channer... are you slurping the GME dip?

>> No.52222322 [View]
File: 2.00 MB, 320x240, 5624563567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty simple really...
>*hits pipe*
Several billion-dollar conspirators are openly operating a huge scam by over-shorting Gamestop (GME), with all regulators and government officials complicit in the fraud, all at the expense of noble 4chan & reddit NEETs. All financial reporting websites and metrics are wrong; the "bad guys" are somehow able to keep all these mega-shorts off their books with tricky accoalunting, but our esteemed reddit DD'ers have assured us - they still haven't covered!
>*hits pipe*
The entire stock market crash is because of GME. See, the hedge funds and investment banks need to continue selling assets in order to keep their over-exposed GME shorts from liquidating. The genius that is Ryan Cohen started a 'ticking clock' by announcing a stock-split dividend that *may* come into effect after June 2nd. Never mind how that would cause a short-squeeze... it just could, okay!?
>*hits pipe*
Once the market is in shambles, the whole financial system brought to its knees, the true MOASS will begin... the government, Federal Reserve and banking institutions will be powerless as the GME price starts to climb... 4-figures, 5-figures, 6-figures... they won't engage in any shenanigans, nor will they change rules, institute emergency measures, etc., because that would just be unfair! The entire system will have to implode and 4channers/redditors will be the only ones left standing, with riches beyond your wildest dreams.
>*hits pipe*
So, what do you say fellow 4channer... are you slurping the GME dip?

>> No.51710717 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 2.00 MB, 320x240, 5624563567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty simple really...
>*hits pipe*
Several billion-dollar conspirators are openly operating a huge scam by over-shorting Gamestop (GME), with all regulators and government officials complicit in the fraud, all at the expense of noble 4chan & reddit NEETs. All financial reporting websites and metrics are wrong; the "bad guys" are somehow able to keep all these mega-shorts off their books with tricky accoalunting, but our esteemed reddit DD'ers have assured us - they still haven't covered!
>*hits pipe*
The entire stock market crash is because of GME. See, the hedge funds and investment banks need to continue selling assets in order to keep their over-exposed GME shorts from liquidating. The genius that is Ryan Cohen started a 'ticking clock' by announcing a stock-split dividend that *may* come into effect after June 2nd. Never mind how that would cause a short-squeeze... it just could, okay!?
>*hits pipe*
Once the market is in shambles, the whole financial system brought to its knees, the true MOASS will begin... the government, Federal Reserve and banking institutions will be powerless as the GME price starts to climb... 4-figures, 5-figures, 6-figures... they won't engage in any shenanigans, nor will they change rules, institute emergency measures, etc., because that would just be unfair! The entire system will have to implode and 4channers/redditors will be the only ones left standing, with riches beyond your wildest dreams.
>*hits pipe*
So, what do you say fellow 4channer... are you slurping the GME dip?

>> No.51205990 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 2.00 MB, 320x240, 5624563567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's pretty simple really...
>*hits pipe*
Several billion-dollar conspirators are openly operating a huge scam by over-shorting Gamestop (GME), with all regulators and government officials complicit in the fraud, all at the expense of noble 4chan & reddit NEETs. All financial reporting websites and metrics are wrong; the "bad guys" are somehow able to keep all these mega-shorts off their books with tricky accounting, but our esteemed reddit DD'ers have assured us - they still haven't covered!
>*hits pipe*
The entire stock market crash is because of GME. See, the hedge funds and investment banks need to continue selling assets in order to keep their over-exposed GME shorts from liquidating. The genius that is Ryan Cohen started a 'ticking clock' by announcing a stock-split dividend that *may* come into effect after June 2nd. Never mind how that would cause a short-squeeze... it just could, okay!?
>*hits pipe*
Once the market is in shambles, the whole financial system brought to its knees, the true MOASS will begin... the government, Federal Reserve and banking institutions will be powerless as the GME price starts to climb... 4-figures, 5-figures, 6-figures... they won't engage in any shenanigans, nor will they change rules, institute emergency measures, etc., because that would just be unfair! The entire system will have to implode and 4channers/redditors will be the only ones left standing, with riches beyond your wildest dreams.
>*hits pipe*
So, what do you say fellow 4channer... are you slurping the GME dip?

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