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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55518857 [View]
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It really seems to have a lot of community hype! Seems very bullish to have so many threads made every monday-friday while most people are at work. Each thread even has specifically photoshopped avax promotional images and engagement in the form of copy-pasted descriptions of the project to educate /biz/ users. Then as soon as the thread loses engagement they make another one to get the ball rolling again! Must be some real die-hard fans out there


they even have a general too

>> No.55211949 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, 1656068116933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dam that's crazy too bad you're never going to realize those gains

>> No.54377394 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, frog (155).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 77fags making holding even funnier.

>> No.53196224 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, 1666941350690073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, bigbrain poomp, then a small accidental doomp.

>> No.53091708 [View]
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>the counter of /biz/

>> No.52967363 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, Big brain Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market was open and I didn't even realize
Holy shit being an euro NEET stock trader right now is such a fucking confusing time right now. Is anyone else confused by how quickly it seems to get fucking dark as fuck? I'm not saying winter isn't dark earlier, but why the fuck are we having pitch black darkness at like fucking 15? By the time US market opens it's basically already night and I'm a comfy NEET so I sleep through entire daylight and it confuses the EVER LOVING SHIT out of me. I thought I slept through entire market.

>> No.52804724 [View]
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Here are a few online business ideas that you could start with $1,000:

E-commerce store: You could start an online store selling a range of products. With platforms like Shopify, it's easy to set up an online store and start selling products. You could source products from suppliers, or even make and sell your own products.

Dropshipping: Dropshipping is a business model where you sell products from a supplier, who then ships the product directly to the customer. This means you don't have to worry about inventory or fulfillment, making it a low-risk and low-cost way to start an online business.

Blog or content website: You could start a blog or content website focused on a particular topic or niche. You could generate revenue through advertising, sponsored content, or by selling digital products like ebooks or courses.

Social media influencer: If you have a large following on social media, you could leverage your audience to generate income through sponsored posts, brand partnerships, and other opportunities.

Consulting or coaching: If you have expertise in a particular field, you could offer consulting or coaching services online. This could be through one-on-one sessions, group coaching programs, or even digital courses or workshops.

These are just a few ideas, and there are many other opportunities to start an online business with $1,000 or less. It's important to find a business idea that aligns with your skills and interests, and to do thorough research before getting started.

>> No.52668391 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, Big brain Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I think it's because of crab days and most people unironically capitulated.

>> No.52549615 [View]
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>> No.52382936 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, Big brain Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of buying bonds that are a hedge against inflation, buy some fucking meme "inflation protected" bond index
What goes on in the brains of people who do this?

>> No.51689480 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, 089595896594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag here but with stable job.

Let's say I can get $10,000 at 5% APR paid over 5 years. I can easily cover the monthly payments on this.

Alternatively I could DCA the equivalent amount over time from my surplus wages each month but that would take me 2-3 years and I wouldn't be able to properly slurp the current lows or absolute bottom that may come within the next few months. For example, if BTC were to capitulate to $12k in December, I'd only have $1k or so to slurp, in effect missing the bottom.

With the loan I have access to all that capital immediately, allowing me to more dynamically DCA and pounce on capitulation events.

How is this not a genius plan?

>> No.51655017 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, 1656068116933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me reading their wikipedia pages

michael jordan
>supportive parents
>stable childhood
>extremely lucky
>plays pointless sport

Christopher Langan
>poor rural upbringing
>terrible childhood
>mom went through 4 guys
>beaten by step dad
>got perfect SAT score
>got full scholarship
>mom fucked up paperwork
>couldn't afford paperwork
>dropped out and did wagie work

>> No.51514157 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, Big brain Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a runup just like this up to 13th.

>> No.50744690 [View]
File: 86 KB, 326x306, Big brain Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIGA was kind of bullish on earnings but the stock barely moved, what gives?

Is FDA authorization/EUA needed for the moon?

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