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26M here. Basically, me and my girlfriend have chosen to never have kids, largely due to financial reasons. Our main goal is to FIRE (Financial Independance, Retire early).

We plan to work (we both make 90k already) and save and invest our dual incomes. We own a condo together in a major city and have no student debt. At this rate we should be able to retire in our 50s since kids are so expensive.

Other benefits:
- travel wherever, do whatever we want
- less stress and commitment
- way more sex
- free to be selfish and focus on yourself.
- so much money that we can be financially "irresponsile" like eating out all the time and barely be affected.

Anybody else in the same boat? how's life? any advice from older people in the same boat? If you're "childfree" because you're an incel, I don't want to hear from you. both me and my partner are pretty attractive and high earners. i personally fucking love being a selfish DINK.

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