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>> No.57334647 [View]
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That would likely mean my portfolio goes down to a 50% from my breakeven. I'm cashing out then and just throwing maybe $10k at a random SOL memecoin. It'll be my last chance of making it.

I'm not willing to wait to speculate that this market will pump at the halving. This time truly does feel different, because most people around the world are broke this time around. It's nothing like '21 where everyone had free money to just throw around into crypto. I'm absolutely exasperated by the market following BTC to a tee, and I'm fucking sick and tired of falling for the stupid "buy the low caps bro, 100x bro!" traps, as those have already pumped by the time influencers shill them and I just get dumped on 30%+ the instant I buy.

I'm just so fucking tired bros. I've been in this market since late 2020 and I'm almost 50% down from breakeven. I really don't understand why my luck is this so fucking shit rotten while I have to sit back and watch sub $1k networth shitbag pookies just throw their whole networth into something like "dogwifhat" and making it like it's fucking candy.

P.S.: FUCK BITCOIN. I really do fucking mean it this time. >:(

>> No.57278395 [View]
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It's such a monumental step towards my total freedom aka escaping the rat race, but here's the thing, I absolutely refuse to surrender another few decades of my life just to buy a fucking house.

That's why I entered crypto to begin with. At least I have an exit plan eventually when I get the portfolio value (also factoring in potential taxes) to finally buy a house. Problem is, THE FUCKING WHALES KEEP IMPEDING MY FUCKING PROGRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is life so unbelievably fucking difficult?!?!? Why am I surrounded by lucky cunts everywhere able to 100x in crypto and make it without doing a damn thing? When I try working, I can't get promoted and instead the promotion is handed over to the lazy DEI person just because they fall under that sphere or it's handed to the popular guy on campus.

Life is so unbelievably fucking unfair.

>> No.56481111 [View]
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We just pumped huge a few days ago, but I don't understand why I'm still feeling hopeless and full of despair?

Bobos are still performing pagan dances around fires here, and no mumus to be found. Something isn't right around here. Besides, stock market is dumping like diarrhea and Powell will continue to fuck us with rate hikes while he has that filthy disgusting smug arrogant twat cunt smile when announcing his fucking dogshit rate hikes.

I feel like this time TRULY is different. I feel like there won't be a bull market ever again, just an eternal bear market that'll last FUCKING FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sniff* :(

>> No.56164232 [View]
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I know I'm going to get severe backlash for this post with "akshtually" posts, but this is the tip of the iceberg:
> Entrepreneurship? Oversaturated.
> Oh, want to micro niche your entrepreneurship? Oversaturated. Every single micro-niche in existence, no matter how hard you try/strategize, it's already overtaken by extremely fierce competition thanks to social media convincing everyone and their dog to be entrepreneurs.
> Coding? Oversaturated.
> "just find another job bro" - good luck in this job market.
> Want that promotion at your current job? Sorry, Eliza, the boss's daughter who has only worked for a few months, will get it over you. Nepotism rocks, right?!
> Want to work from home? Gradually fading away + oversaturated (and if you're wfh right now, it won't last forever even if you think it will, your company WILL bring you back to the office and you WILL be happy).
> "bahahahahaha i own a house in full you faggot!" - wait until your property gets reassessed your tax liability fucking explodes. You'll need to find new income elsewhere.
> Stocks? You're too late to that boat fren. Nvidia was your last chance and you fucked up.

Welcome to the new global economy everyone. This is what reality is for 95%+ of people these days.

Problem with crypto though, is that we have goblins like Gensler, Yellen, Warren, Powell, Biden and many other regulators throughout the world literally putting their damn boot on the emerging crypto market. WHY WON'T THEY LET US SUCCEED AND BE SELF SUFFICIENT?!?!?! I'M ABOUT TO FUCKING BAWL IN A DAMN PILLOW FUCK THIS WORLD IS SO DAMN UNFAIR.

>> No.56129810 [View]
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> Houses will continue to skyrocket in cost due to supply and demand
> Hooooomers will continue to get richer
> Powell will keep fucking us with rate hikes, thereby making the financial + job markets an impossible endeavor for making money from this point forward (unless you're a lucky shorter)
> Cars & RV's are turning into luxuries instead of necessities
> And of course, women only getting pickier and more powerful as time goes on which will make marriage & children obsolete
> Thinking about entrepreneur maxing to escape the matrix? Not so fast kiddo, social media already oversaturated that idea to hell so good luck beating the millions of competitors in every single micro niche that's ever existed.

So that's it, it's a wrap folks. There's absolutely nothing to fight for anymore. Should I live in exile to escape bros? Where would I fucking live? It's all too damn hard and demoralizing. Boomers had something to fight for, but we don't?!

>> No.56076597 [View]
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I can't even begin to describe how massive of a mistake I made by getting into crypto to begin with.

At this point, I'm starting to not care if we have another bullrun anymore. I mean, how much money will you really even make anyways with this much VC and institutional money already in the market? It's the law of diminishing returns, you'll never see 5000x returns again unless you have legendary timing on a scamcoin.

This space just isn't worth the stress anymore.

>> No.55911948 [View]
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Past me:
> Graduated with a CS degree back in '15, full of hopes and dreams
> Get a coding job after about 7 months of applying after graduating, was starting to get discouraged but eventually pulled through and got the job

Fast forward to '22:
> Bullshit management corners our team into becoming a skeleton crew, which ends up forcing my resignation due to severe burnout from the covid related work load and senior boomers with all the knowledge threatening retirement
> There were no other jobs in my area and all the WFH jobs were hypercompetitive so no luck on that end (so I was forced to become unemployed essentially)
> My house started falling apart and needed repairs up the ass, and the yard turned into a total catastrophe with trees falling making my life a living hell, so I was forced to sell the house to ensure bank account wouldn't go to zero
> Had to move back home with parents for a while
> Stupid ass Ukraine war and stupid ass Powell and stupid ass Gensler come around with their bullshit and crash the crypto markets, thereby wiping out over half of my net worth

Fast forward to today:
> Still at home, the job market sucks fucking donkey ass cheese so I can't find work. My net worth keeps plummeting thanks to stupid fud flying around left and right, my bank account was drained from over $100k last year to only $10k now as I kept averaging down on bitcoin but even that was unreliable
> I'm a soulless dead husk of a man now, who I was a couple years ago simply doesn't exist anymore. I'm simply existing for the sake of existing.
> When people ask me/remind me of who I am and what my name is, my answer is, "Used to be. I'm not who you're looking for."

Fucking hell, it's all so damn depressing. My guess is Powell's speech at Jackson Hole tomorrow will completely finish me off. I'm so done with this fucking clown world.

>> No.55634416 [View]
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Many of you around here (including me, sadly) are about to meet massive disappointment come the next "bullrun" if we ever have one at all.

We will never reach 2021 ATH's never again. We only reached those highs because we were going through a once in a lifetime mania, injected with free money flowing everywhere, people stuck at home and thus forced to follow the current fad at the time (crypto), and we were seeing "crypto.com arena" and things of the like.

Now, we have endless rate hikes as a result of unlimited government spending (the fed doesn't care to stop the government's waste and money laundering), and normies have moved on past crypto and are calling it "wack". Many normies lost their life savings by holding in 2022.

I don't think the normies will ever return to crypto in droves like they did in 2020-2021. It was a first time thing for them then.

Now we have a "bullrun" in the stock market in which bitcoin has been massively underperforming to in comparison.

That's it, time to pack up our bags folks. Tiktok and YouTube destroyed any last avenue of making it we might have had, along with the elite closing every other window that might've existed before. Everything is too saturated now. Inflation will continue to go off like a runaway train. Powell will throw us on our belly buttons and continue to fuck us until the end of time.

We're doomed.

>> No.55418675 [View]
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I simply can't take it anymore.

EVERY entrepreneurial path you can possibly think of - the window has now been closed all thanks to YouTube and Tiktok. Way too much oversaturation in every single micro niche/business idea you can ever imagine, and yes saturation has sadly impacted crypto too.

I just threw one of my game controllers a solid 20 feet out of sudden frustration. I'm currently crying, yelling, shrieking, screaming and slobbering into my pillow. I don't care about pillow damage, I'll simply wash it.

I simply can't stop tearing up and uncontrollably crying. I'm stomping on the ground too FYI.

FOR REAL THOUGH, THE PANDEMIC FUCKING RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(

FUCK FUCK FUCK all I wanted was to escape wage slavery through my many ideas, but somehow despite hundreds of ideas I've tried all of them are far too saturated and require you to be beyond Jordan Belfort level of slick snake oil salesman to stand out amongst the saturation. This includes even the trades, ecom, service based businesses, crypto, stocks, etc. LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYTHING, YOU'RE TOO LATE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

I'm so lost, confused, continuously crying, I don't know what to do folks....

>> No.55250334 [View]
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> WFH is getting massacred right now - if there are any wfh jobs available, too much saturation will prevent you from getting the wfh job. If you're in a WFH job now, and if you haven't laid off yet, mass layoffs and "must return to the office!" is commencing very soon
> Alts are getting slaughtered, BTC will be next
> Every other entrepreneurship idea is too saturated thanks to YouTube + tiktok (the pandemic exacerbated the problem so much worse)
> Jerome Powell is trying extremely hard to decrease wages
> House prices showing no signs of slowing down, which will drive up property tax & rent for those who can't afford to buy
> USA has too much influence over the crypto market, so simply fleeing to another country won't be the key to "making it"
> Stock market is a "muh regulated" rigged game

There is no escape. The WEF have defeated us at every turn. There's no escape.

Say hello to the dystopian Brave New World society that Huxley warned us all about. Don't even get me started on the culture wars that are proving it.

>> No.55089912 [View]
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Where to begin:

I have a CS degree and I held a coding job for 5+ years until I finally quit after severe burnout and my manager screwing me over (he was about to shovel all of 2 senior-level retirees onto me if I stuck around with the company). I tried looking for a new job before I quit but all of the jobs in my local area paid like fucking dogshit (so much for "waaahhh nobody wants to work anymore!" when literally no fucking jobs were available?!)

Fast forward to today, I'm looking back with extremely severe regret about getting a degree in CS. Honestly, my coding skills are fucking awful (you can give me a simple coding problem and I wouldn't be able to solve it - I can debug code just fine though) and I absolutely loathe coding. I got the CS degree in the first place because I fell for the following memes:

> CS degree is the most in-demand degree bro!
> Just become a game designer bro!

My dream was to become a game designer but I eventually learned about the toxicity of that field and by the time I learned that, I was too deep into my degree at college and it was too late to switch majors.

Honestly, being unemployed for nearly 2 years now, and the fact that I hate my degree with no outside skills, what do I fucking do? I feel the walls closing in on me. Crypto assfucked me (lost over half my networth to 2022 crash, down to only $70k networth now) and I'm nowhere near where I need to be to buy a small house with cash.

This is a cry for help - what do I FUCKING DO?! And if you recommend the trades, don't bother - those are oversaturated now thanks to stupid fucking youtube and the fierce competition today (and it takes years to master a trade anyways). I fucking hate coding too, as I've mentioned before.

>> No.54968455 [View]
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I won't even bother listing every single entrepreneur idea I'm thinking of, but let's just say I'm thinking outside of the box and not just thinking about the stupid meme ideas on YouTube (dropshipping, affiliate marketing, POD, digital marketing agencies, etc.)

Let's just say that I've done a shit load of research and a ton of trial and error on different ideas, only to not just fail, but literally lose tens of thousands of dollars only to be told, "but but YOU'VE LEARNED SOMETHING!" My question is, have I? I feel like I'm in an endless tailspin and making absolutely no progress.

Meanwhile, I'm watching some friends of mine easily buying homes in the $400k+ range, in cash. And if you're wondering, we're barely in the just reaching 30 age range (early 90s millennials).

I've had so many hopes and dreams, only to watch them all get simultaneously crushed by the "i wanna be an entrepreneur too!!!" wave of normies infest the space at the start of the pandemic, Google doing everything they can to crush SEO and any avenue of reaching a new audience, social media being far too saturated to stand out without paying MASSIVE bucks for adspend, I can go on and on. One final note, if you wanna mention trades, keep in mind normies already know about that. Too late to that trend since the already established trade businesses will squash any new "competition" on Google rank, social media, etc.

How does one NOT give up on entrepreneurship in this day and age? Are we all truly doomed to wagecage until we die? :(

Fuck I'm so fucking angry and depressed right now. Please give me some hope.

>> No.54786852 [View]
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And now the only shit available on etherscan is a bunch of pepe clone rugs

Why am I always too damn late to everything? I'm starting to seriously lose help, especially when I see stories such as that guy who put $200 on pepe and is now a millionaire and living the high life. And I'm stuck living in perpetual getting rugged hell.

My net worth is $90k if in case you are wondering.

I'll never get to own a house, I'll never get to live a normal life, thanks to my uncanny ability to miss out on milestones and being too damn late to EVERY FUCKING THING!

>> No.54682849 [View]
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I just can't take it anymore.

The whales dumping endlessly and high fiving each other, the bobos dancing around here, and stupid cunts telling me, "but BUT IT's the SENTIMENT of the market and the STocK RSI!!!!!" Fucking hell and I'm fucking losing it.

I know all of you will respond with "just get a job bro", but how the fuck is that supposed to buy me a house, when those go up expontentially and well past the rate of wage growht? I've had a job and a mortgage before so I know what it's like to keep up with a house, and the cost of repairs and maintenance and tax reassessments always ass fucked me.

That's another thing...the zestimate stacy's and their gloating. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!

I'm spiraling downwards and don't know what to do anymore. Why can't this stupid fucking market work? I seriously don't know what to do.

Oh, and if any of you suggest entrepreneurship...don't bother, I've already had a few failed businesses, and it was always because every micro niche you can come up with is oversaturated to hell.

>> No.54422438 [View]
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I made a series of horrible mistakes back in 2022 before the Ukraine war started and the interest rate hikes began. I had zero concept at the time of how interest rate hikes affected the overall market at large which is why I completely lost my ass in 2022.

I'm still about 45% down from my break even point. Spent over $100k in crypto but portfolio isn't even touching $60k yet. I hold mostly BTC and ETH but I feel it's going to be a long time before those help me reach break even.

Why did I ever get into crypto in the first place? Why can't I be lucky like the others around here who had $1k cost basis and are now worth millions?

Life truly is cruel.

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