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>> No.25040738 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, 76777565 (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure he is

>> No.19230410 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey will never know about this let him tend to other more important matters.


>> No.16985140 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had Linkies how many do you have ? I cant work

>> No.16849520 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schließen Sie die Augen und versuchen Sie, alles zu löschen, was Sie denken. Langes, langsames und tiefes Atmen, konzentrieren Sie sich auf Ihre Atmung und lenken Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Iiiiiiiinnnn ... ..ooooooooooooouuuut gut. Tun Sie dies für ein paar Minuten und stellen Sie sich dann vor, dass Sie durch -LINK-Investitionen reich werden. Sagen Sie voraus, was Sie mit dem reichlich vorhandenen neu entdeckten Reichtum kaufen sollen Der gegenwärtige Moment ist alles, was wirklich existiert Das Wichtigste Wenn der Moment kommt, fühle, wie du dich fühlst und machst! Fühle, dass die Emotion mehr ist als das Bild zu visualisieren Es ist auch wichtig! Öffne jetzt deine Augen und schaue in den Spiegel und rezitiere diese Affirmationen (benutze / füge deine eigenen hinzu, die mit der Realität zusammenhängen, die du erschaffen hast). Ich bin reich, ich bin reich, ich bin reich, ich bin hundert Link hat mir unendlichen Reichtum gegeben. Es ist wichtig, dies zu tun, bevor ich aufwache und ins Bett gehe, aber mach es so oft wie möglich. Es hat auch das Image und die Idee, dass wir es schaffen, und dass LINK mehr als 1.000 US-Dollar wert ist, wenn Sie einschlafen. Wenn wir dies als Links Bruder zusammenfassen, erwartet das Universum, dass bestimmte Ereignisse, Menschen und Ereignisse legalisiert und von uns angezogen werden - es ist an uns, die Realität zu betrachten Hoffe, ich liebe alle

>> No.16830301 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you understand what it’s like to be betrayed by someone you trusted? How all of your hopes dashed? Every day I waited. I sacrificed. I accumulated. For what? I’m going to end it all tonight!” Wojak began beating up the customer. Big Mac did not fight back.
The manager dashed in and grabbed Wojak to stop him. “Mr. Wojak I’m going to have to report you to the police. You are clearly a danger to yourself.”
“I’m going to end it all! Fuck this gay Earth! I’m going to market sell all my LINK at midnight!”
The police arrived and dragged Wagie Wojak out of the store.
“It was supposed to be 1000 EOY! 1000!” Wojak screamed.
After the police talked to him, they found that he did not mean he was going to kill himself but just market sell this “LINK.” They were worried about Wojak’s well being and gave him a suicide hotline number just in case.
“That won’t be necessary,” Wojak said. For it will be too late

>> No.16775053 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16707750 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16572002 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16014488 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All a coincidence

>> No.15868295 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15758496 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15709447 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comparison of Venezuelan and the US citizens cannot be refuted or argued. A 3rd world country like Venezuela is a paradise compared to burgers. Poor people in America are too stupid or scared to take action ......not realizing that the majority of peoples regrets is precisely that. Holding back

Like the bitch that you are

>> No.15672225 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15645639 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15634056 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15624643 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15623455 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember September

>> No.13564599 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



They went live today aswell guys.

>> No.13540861 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages_Game_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6236043 [View]
File: 42 KB, 220x220, 2424A479-CDAA-4A05-826D-FD8C6B15D370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to solve the ‘ORACLE problem’

Smartest exit scam of all time.

>> No.6175339 [View]
File: 24 KB, 220x220, Oracle of Seasons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please can you explain wtf does it do and why moon?
Basically, the Oracle of Seasons foretold that the frog wiill hop from Earth to the surface of the moon on the summer solstice.

Her predictions have never been wrong, but they've also always been at least in the realm of plausibility up until now. Frogs legs are among the strongest per bodyweight of any vertebrates, but no frog yet discovered has the strength to reach the escape velocity, which is about 33 times the speed of SOUND. No known human space programs are sending frogs to the moon, and 6 months is way too short a time to plan one with any reasonable chance of success.

Thus, we are presented with a dilemma: Either the Oracle of Seasons is fallible, or there exists some manner of frog that can reach the moon by midyear. These scenarios are both so unlikely as to be impossible, and that inability to reconcile her prediction (which cannot be wrong) with reality (which is real by definition) is often called the Oracle Problem.

Well, it was last September when a new cryptocurrency known as ChainLink emerged. Its ticker? LINK. If that seems familiar to you, you are not alone. Oracle Problemologists quickly realized that there is another thing named Link: the protagonist of the famous Legend of Zelda series of video games. He is most well-known for the masterpieces that were the original, A Link to the Past, and Ocarina of Time, but they are far from the only games he has featured in. It turns out that there was a lesser-known series of Gameboy Zelda games developed by Capcom rather than Nintendo, and one of them was titled "The Oracle of Seasons."

This motivated the research of ChainLink's whitepaper, which revealed the competency of its team and the wide use-case of its product. Finally everything made sense. The "frog" is /biz/ NEETs and the "moon" is 100x by June 21st. This is how LINK elegantly solved the Oracle Problem. If you "hop" on right now, it just might solve your problems too.

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