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>> No.28037841 [View]
File: 110 KB, 736x552, pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice anon am copying for future shares


you edcuate a village and studies show girls pass on knowledge while boys go out to cities for jobs and send money back. health, life quality rises. The answer is education. As goes the proverb, teach a man to fish. You can't interfere with the process though.

Historically the African continent has been corrupt from within but fueled and egged on by geopolitical influences with agendas and vested interests to destablise economies and the political landscape to make a dollar in the resource rich area of the world.

Have you seen Blood Diamond? Nations globally love exploiting the continent of Africa behind the scenes for gain.

Which paedos? I'm completely taken aback. You were able to watch the hours of footage listed and read all that information cited in under 2 minutes. Much wow. Very enlightened. So tell me what did you think of the Satanic temple rooms in the UN? What do you think of the UN basing its principles from known Satanists? What do you think of these Satanists saying Satan is the true Christ? Don't you find the last link interesting in that the lecturer is solely presenting quotes from UN officials? Oh boy please share your genius with us based senapi.

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