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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.15906563 [View]
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>> No.15863136 [View]
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I CANT TAKE THE VOLATILITY. I was buying into a nasdaq ETF and accumulating and last friday I sold at around a $15 loss so I could take the money and move it to gold / crypto / compound.finance.

I'm fucking sick of losing money in this shitty boomer market. If i'm going to lose all my harded earned money I'm going to lose it on something that could actually make me rich. Not in 65 years but perhabs 5-10.

The stupid fucking thing is, I cashed out last thursday and the money still isn't in my account. This whole boomer system is a boomer fucking scam.

>> No.15808328 [View]
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24.5. Shit degree. Underemployed for 2 years making a little over 14 an hr. Not even 18 an hr.. ik people with easy as shit jobs making at least 18 an hr and im stuck woth this shit...
Virgin for life (that's a fact. I swallowed the redpill).
Live with mami.

Only hope is margin trading chainlink on binance and btc on bybit (with a vpn). I am willing to start with 2k.

Spoonfeed me. Long or short and what crypto? Or should I still wait to see how btc reacts? Im worried about fomoing in with margin trading since thay shit is scary.

Also 25 vs 50x leverage. Why is 50x leverage dumb (or is it)? Minus the easier liquidation, I mean in terms of fees? Do they add up like crazy or are the bees on bybit negligible?

No way in fucking hell I'm going to continue accepting this garbage life. This isn't living. But shit.. this god is an asshole and if I kms, he'll throw me in hell with a smile. Sadist cunt.

>> No.15782903 [View]
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>1 hr commute in the morning
>2 hrs at night
>1000 hrs sitting in a fucking car each year

>> No.15770224 [View]
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Need a yr for a bachelors. Fuck this shit. Should I just do amazon fba wholesaling (no arbitrage, no private labeling. Wholesaling name brand products and nothing more) or finish college as a plan B? I am wondering if I can find anything half decent with a 2 yr degree... probably not. I graduated 2 yrs ago with it and the most I got was a highschool level job that pays shit. Im thinking what's the point of finishing if I will probably end up in the same spot.. I would graduate with 15k in debt too.

Might as well start my own shit since my end goal is being self employed anyways. I even bought a course to learn about amazon fba (imo, its not bad considering a lot of what is shown is not easy to find online if at all such as a lot of the logistics).

Also, I have 4k, but want to long btc in the right time to have more capital to work with (idk how I feel about it right now. I was legit gonna short it and then it went up 7% so I'm wondering of maybe longing it now.. Ik the halving will give it a nice pump so I believe in it longish term but idk about at this moment).

Fuck this scam system trying to prevent people from building capital. Lets be real. America is structured this way on PURPOSE to prevent competitors from arising (i.e. people like me) since the ultra rich control this country and are greedy as fuck.

>> No.15766486 [View]
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>Good news, wagies! Mr. Shekelstein has graciously given you all a discretionary 401k match of 4% this year. Thanks again for another year of servitude goyim. Now back to work.

>> No.15735013 [View]
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How the fuck do more people not become rich overnight with 1000x leverage?
What am I missing? Ya, it might liquidate with low level of tolerance, but you can just throw in a couple dollars and it would be like playing with thousands.

How have you guys not become omega rich from this? I cant even rap around the concept of a 1000x leverage! That shit is INSANE

>> No.15670533 [View]
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Why does the u.s. government hate margin trading? Bitmex offers 100x leverage.

Is it because it's a wealth creator that is accessible by everyone?

America =/= anti-wealth creator for the poor and middle class. It seems systematically done on purpose. This government is corrupt.

>> No.15638656 [View]
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Does it matter if you buy the btc vs eth way?

Roi should be about the same either way,right?

>> No.15630705 [View]
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Wage hard and collect quants until you don't have to anymore. That's what i keep telling myself atleast.

>> No.15577830 [View]
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>> No.15544465 [View]
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I fucking hate retards, they trust in everybody.
Believe in god and have a job, is friendly with everybody thinking that everybody is their friend and wont do anything bad for them, until...

>> No.14999995 [View]
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How's that career coming along?

>> No.14876007 [View]
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No I was a retard and fell for the “Link is a meme” meme. I’ve known about it since the height of the last bull run and will admit smarter people than me meme’d me out of it so they could quietly fill there bags.
Meh I’m saving my BTC fren but I very well may trickle the remaining 20k into Link and at least have a shot at halfway making it. Is it enough to quit my job in October though lads? I don’t want to wage anymore it hurts my soul and stifles my creativity.

>> No.14795063 [View]
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Has anyone else just given up on freedom and decided to dedicate themselves to being the best wage cuck they can be? When my boss says jump, I say how high? Need someone to stay late? Shit I’ll sleep in the office. There is no escape there is only a fair wage for a fair days work.

>> No.14778538 [View]
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if you guys are watching
please dont fuck this thing up
i need this
i will die without it

>> No.14737143 [View]
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>> No.14723148 [View]
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We really should make every NEET work a full year in a corporate or retail environment to make them appreciate their freedom.

>> No.14656054 [View]
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>> No.13599538 [View]
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Why the fuck are wages so low? Seriously my dividends from my investments go up higher than ANY raise I got from working in my life. At previous jobs I'd be lucky to get an 'inflation raise' which isn't even a fucking raise in a literal sense. So what gives /biz/? Why does the world passively accept wage slavery?

>> No.13483497 [View]
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Cans of spray paint and gas have gone up like a dollar each in the past 2-3 years man it might not be 12% but it sure as shit isn’t gonna hover at 2%.
The fact drug dealers can go to bitcoin ATM’s right now and use a fake phone number and ID to deposit 5-10k in fiat and buy BTC will keep this market afloat not even taking into account the actual value of the tech you are explaining. Didn’t bitfinix get caught up in handling cartel money? Brainlets don’t understand the scope of BTC and here’s why that’s a good thing.....we will see 50-100k BTC next bullrun and laugh in their faces.
You need more crypto to be a cool boomer in this thread fren. You can take your poorfolio to /wage/ general though. Considering we’re speculators maybe you will be the one laughing in our faces in a black swan event but I highly highly doubt it.

>> No.12873282 [View]
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Thoughts on this /biz/?

>> No.12729995 [View]
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My work will be implementing fingerprint scanners soon and we have to check in and out even just for lunch or toilet breaks

>> No.12549023 [View]
File: 504 KB, 818x540, 38842401-9DD0-4414-A84A-4D2CEB76AAB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your taxes go to Israel/ military to fight people who make no difference in your life and single moms/niggers
>roads are still completely fucked and take a decade to add a lane to highways resulting in you sitting in traffic for 2 hours of your “weekly grind”
>drinking water is filled with chemicals that are literal poison
>mega corporations operate monopolies and have 0 consequences for actions like slave labor, money laundering, inside trading etc.
>meanwhile a joint can ruin your career
Heh I-its not that bad! I-I can still watch my favorite sports ball team and sip a cold one day with the boys and hope Stacy will let me marry her so I can become her provider/workhorse!

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