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>> No.29668695 [View]
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Psychology is the most important element of trading.

>> No.28797219 [View]
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>> No.28009883 [View]
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I clap really loud when the price moves in the direction I expected

>> No.27859794 [View]
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What if you took out a loan for 500k and dumped it all into ALGO. Assuming an average buy in price of $1.5 after your buy in pumps it that's 333,333 ALGO. Given current annual yield of 7.27% that's 24,240ALGO/$48,480 a year. Solely paying the interest every month assuming a 5.5% interest rate is 2,291.67 a month. Realistically, how long could you get away with only paying back the interest?

>> No.27332092 [View]
File: 70 KB, 710x823, brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shorted xrp at 2000 satoshis, bought 65k XRPDOWN at 0.0041$

AMA, you fucking pump and dump scammers

>> No.27083104 [View]
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Big brain play.

>> No.26926666 [View]
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I'm gonna have a sensible discussion about Rubic. If you have any disagreements explain what they are with facts. Saying it's a scam will be ignored.

Here is my take. Firstly even after the initial pump it's dirt cheap compared to swap exchanges like Uni and 1inch. You have to look at diluted marketcap. Uni is 10billion!!! 1inch is 3 billion!!! Rubic is 10m. So its mc is tiny tiny tiny compared to their competition.

Here's my next point. Yes Uni and 1inch are now big vol exchanges but they are only months old. Uni really only got going last Summer with large vol from projects like Ampl and Sushi and Cronje projects. 1inch really has only got traction in the last few months really as well. My point is the market is still new and open.

Reason why I think Rubic can explode like Uni and 1inch.
>multichain so all the moves going on in polka and L2 solutions are gonna make using Rubic a no brainer. Why pay 50 bucks or more for an eth swap when you can don't for 5 cents? It will explode in use, no doubt.

As crypto gets more regulated making swaps anonymously is gonna be huge. Big money as well not wanting to show their moves. The pools that are coming will explode.

What I'm saying is Rubic is a bet on where the swap market is going in the next 12 months. At 10m marketcap fully undiluted it really could end up with a multi billion mc as real usage balloons, just like with uniswap and 1inch. Why would anyone use Uni ever again if you can do it far cheaper on Rubic???

So there is the narrative that makes this a potential 1000x which is 1.5in which would still be 1/10th of Uni marketcap.

If you think it's not gonna get used then sure it won't do well. But as a bet its upside is massive. Literally will make millionaires out of people with a 1k bet only.

Ignore all shilling and fudding and make your bet or not. The narrative is solid. Let's see where this goes. Clearly it's not a scam and has names and faces behind it.

>> No.26688481 [View]
File: 70 KB, 710x823, sophistication.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying $GME and $AMC during the last week will be recorded you know. Your banks have transaction records that they have to submit to the IRS every year, and this would fit into the category of coordinated market manipulation. With a total combined manipulation capital of over $100 million invested, this would not be a small deal bros.

Seriously think about what you're doing. The banks that you're taking money from don't give two fucks. The federal interest rate will stay at 0% for the next four years thanks to Biden and they have a free money printer in their back pocket. The government will care though. They will ask for the transaction records for those who did this and you guys will be taxed more heavily to make up for this manipulation. Those who did more than just a few thousand should seriously consider talking to a lawyer about manipulation repercussions.

This is just a friendly warning bros. You can have your fun, but they won't forget it. They're going to regulate all of us differently after this. It won't crash the market, and you won't get to keep these gains.

>> No.26591583 [View]
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Literally doubling my money everyday with GME.

>> No.26450685 [View]
File: 70 KB, 710x823, ff252c077aab7eaa9980c702142ae3abff-wojak-00.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna have a sensible discussion about Rubic. If you have any disagreements explain what they are with facts. Saying it's a scam will be ignored.

Here is my take. Firstly even after the pump its dirt cheap compared to swap exchanges like Uni and 1inch. You have to look at diluted mc. Uni is 10billion!!! 1inch is 3 billion!!! Rubic is 15m. So its mc is tiny tiny tiny compared to their competition.

Here's my next point. Yes Uni and 1inch are now big vol exchanges but they are only months old. Uni really only got going last Summer with large vol from projects like Ampl and Sushi and Cronje projects. 1inch really has only got traction in the last few months really as well. My point is the market is still new and open.

Reason why I think Rubic can explode like Uni and 1inch.
>multichain so all the moves going on in polka and L2 solutions are gonna make using Rubic a no brainer. Why pay 50 bucks or more for an eth swap when you can don't for 5 cents? Literaly will explode in use.

As crypto gets more regulated making swaps anonymously is gonna be huge. Big money as well not wanting to show their moves. The pools that are coming will explode.

What I'm saying is Rubic is a bet on where the swap market is going in the next 12 months. At 15m mc fully undiluted it really could end up with a multi billion mc as real usage balloons. Why would anyone use Uni ever again if you can do it far cheaper on Rubic??? Uni also has some leakage issue supposedly.

So there is the narrative that makes this a potential 1000x which is 1.5in which would still be 1/10th of Uni marketcap.

If you think it's not gonna get used then sure it won't do well. But as a bet its upside is massive. Literaly will make millionaires out of people with a 1k bet only.

Ignore all shilling and fudding and make your bet or not. The narrative is solid. Let's see where this goes. Clearly it's not a scam and has names and faces behind it.

>> No.25841278 [View]
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My wife works as a nanny for a billionaire family. She told them about our crypto portfolio, and the man was so impressed he wants to Zoom meet with me this week and let me manage $1M USD of his in a diversified crypto account, from which I'd take 10% of the profits, 20% if it does really well. We will have to work out the details in our call, and I would want a contract freeing my of liability. Should I do it? Or is it not worth it?

>> No.25605155 [View]
File: 70 KB, 710x823, ff252c077aab7eaa9980c702142ae3abff-wojak-00.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me which books should I read to be better at finances, understanding crypto and economy in general.
I've already read Rich dad Poor dad, and The richest man in Babylon.

Enlighten me.

>> No.25568014 [View]
File: 70 KB, 710x823, ff252c077aab7eaa9980c702142ae3abff-wojak-00.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some must read finance and crypto books? I just finished Rich dad Poor dad but it seems like finance for absolute retards.

I've heard about The richest man in Babylon, is it any good?

>> No.25427238 [View]
File: 70 KB, 710x823, smart_wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because we don't have a voting system therefore people are forced to think

>> No.24469750 [View]
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Sell before going asleep when its pumping and buy when you wakeup when its dumping

>> No.23848503 [View]
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>It's really not that hard. When I was a teenager I memorized a couple of hundred digits of pi
well, to reach their own I guess. I'm not smart enough for shit like that

>> No.23052151 [View]
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How do I play this game on hard mode?

>> No.22555390 [View]
File: 70 KB, 710x823, E010ED7C-C049-4DEA-BAE1-32416E7B078E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing money
>actually want the stock market to crash so I can buy in cheap and it’ll go on a massive rally in 2 months

>> No.22016928 [View]
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all three at once

>> No.21465047 [View]
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>> No.20453605 [View]
File: 70 KB, 710x823, ff252c077aab7eaa9980c702142ae3abff-wojak-00.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in here intellectuals


>> No.20450051 [View]
File: 70 KB, 710x823, 947A8D48-8EF2-4A2A-B60F-910B4BD2A1AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginning of week
>bought DEC for .02
>bought SWAP for .05
>bought BZRX at 0.18
>Today happens

Feeling pretty good about myself anons.

>> No.20259138 [View]
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They pretended it was some random scammer that tricked them, but it was actually their friend. They were in cahoots. They wanted to make it seem like an accident because their identities are public. They even made a Zoom meeting during the "incident" to make them seem even more innocent, as if they couldn't have coordinated the whole thing beforehand. The reality is that they were behind it. They just didn't want to be held liable. They are fucking scammers through and through, and they are going to prison soon.

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