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>> No.2841420 [View]
File: 40 KB, 480x320, Ron Paul Total War Central Banking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mike Maloney does a pretty comprehensive breakdown of Central Banking, fiat currency, etc.


The gist is that it's a giant supranational Ponzi scheme that controls, to a significant extent, the course of world history, based on an economic system designed specifically to fail, and impoverish the vast majority of the world and make them beholden to this collusion of Totalitarian Government and Banking. Their goal is a Corporatist Plutocracy. This system capitalizes on the innate human lack of deferred gratification (i.e a "rainy day/don't eat your seed crop" mentality), and our weakness of favoring short term incentives over long term incentives. If you give people a choice between A: sacrificing pleasure and ease in the short term for sake of long term prosperity and stability, or B: short term bread and circuses, but with the ultimate consequence of absolute ruin and mass poverty, most of them will choose B, whether consciously or not. This is what we are evolutionarily prone to, because the horizon meant nothing for most of our evolution, only the here-and-now.

The People's ignorance of economics is key to perpetuating and maintaining this scheme and control. Some are taught "economics", but only the false fiat currency Central Banking economics which the powers that be wish them to learn. Their frame of reference is deliberately limited to only this economic model. Fiat currency creates the illusion of infinite resources, endless Warfare and Welfare.

Phony money, phony Banks, phony debt, phony Government, phony system. The Federal Reserve is a private Bank, likely Rothschild owned. The Dollars which are printed will soon be worthless and have lost nearly 100% of their value since the Federal Reserve was created. Those dollars are only sustained by inertia and oil. WW1 & 2 were elaborate practical jokes.

Most people don't know, or don't want to.

They've earned their fate.

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