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>> No.57192920 [View]
File: 321 KB, 3366x1454, MUH-FOREIGN-MEME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that most 401K plans, or target date retirement funds, invest 30% plus of your money into foreign indices / foreign companies
Threadly reminder that over a 30 year time frame, you will get 1/3 the gains of just investing all of your money in the USA
Threadly reminder to not let your 401K plan or target date retirement fund scam you out of your capital gains
Don't be a sheep. Check your investments. Check their allocations. If you're in a target date retirement fund especially, they are NOTORIOUS for 30%+ allocations in foreign stocks -- this is braindead retarded allocation
Don't just put your investing on autopilot.
On a 30 year timeframe, this is big money
Take control of your finances. Invest in USA only.
>pic related

>> No.57191906 [View]
File: 321 KB, 3366x1454, MUH-FOREIGN-MEME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of these funds are absolute dog shit, which are meant to scam the American worker out of their income, where instead of putting their money into the assets generating the highest return, they put them into absolute dog shit
for example, most target date funds have a 30% plus allocation into foreign stocks - this is absolutely retarded - fleecing the American worker
furthermore, even for people under age 30, they're putting 10% plus into bonds - this is also absolutely brain dead retarded for a 30 year old worker to be putting even 1% of his money into bonds
>but what about draw downs?!?!
He's fucking 30 years old. He just holds until retirement. Who gives a fuck about a drawdown. Putting even 10% into bonds is brain dead retarded for a 30 year old.
>but muh foreign stocks underperformed now they'll overperform!!
No, they fucking won't. If you're putting a single cent of your retirement money into foreign stocks, you're doing it wrong.
>pic related
If you want to shoot yourself in the foot, and get less than half of what you would have gotten investing in USA, be my guest.
No, it isn't. Invest in USA and USA only, and in 30 years, you will be thankful that you didn't get scammed by the '401K money changers'
Stop putting 40% of your income into absolute dog shit. Literally, all these target dated funds 30% in foreign stocks, 10% in bonds (MINIMUM)
That is absolutely fucking insane. I don't understand how a SINGLE person is still falling for this absolute bullshit of a scheme
Seriously - would you ever actively invest 40% of your money into absolute dog shit?
No! You wouldn't. So don't let some target fund scheme do it on your behalf.
>inb4 triggered 3rd worlders

>> No.56644050 [View]
File: 321 KB, 3366x1454, MUH-FOREIGN-MEME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a comparison of $10,000 invested in the S&P500 (SPY) vs $10,000 invested in a broad foreign index fund (VGTSX)
Start date 1996
>SPY = $90,917
>VGTSX = $31,379
Anyone who is advocating for people to be allocating ANY of their hard earned money into foreign stocks does not have the best interest of the person they are advising - either that they are intentionally sabotaging them, or they just don't know any better
Get the fuck out of here!!!! Seriously, GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!! No one is buying your DOG SHIT foreign stocks!!! USA USA USA USA USA USA
>Why yes, I would like to invest in an asset that will give me 1/3 of the total returns over a 30 year time frame!
If anything you're investing in is allocating into foreign stocks, STOP. Get help. You need help. Do not invest in any company that is not USA - that includes NVO - I'm looking at you /smg/
>inb4 excuses why foreign indices have underperformed
and to be 100% crystal clear, I am a bear, and I think all stocks, all markets are going down - but if you're going to be a bull, at least don't be a FUCKING RETARDED one investing in foreign stocks

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