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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.56782577 [View]
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This should be chiselled in marble on a public monument somewhere. Ideally with a lot of crows cages full of boomer skeletons.

>> No.56349802 [View]
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Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold, boomers were buying in their early 20s, fact.

>> No.56178300 [View]
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Median household income in 1970 was $8.7k (235oz of gold), $450k in 2023 dollars. Fix money, fix the world.

>> No.56121745 [View]
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>but da massa says da inflation onl' go up dis mannies!
Already >cpi your retard ass. Check money stock computer.
And yet almost every American could effortlessly afford to invest $100 a month in '75, really activates the almonds
Money stock tripled between '80 & 2000, tripled between 2000 & 2020, and is now on pace to triple again between 2020 & 2030 (repeating the '70-80 pattern). No bottom.

>> No.55711532 [View]
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>real terms wages in freefall for 50yrs
>"w-we just need ta raise da profile of dez jerbs!"
Boomers are the tiny hats of generations

>> No.55200162 [View]
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This nigger fucks. The State is memeshit, ignore it and keep stacking real money.

>> No.54993969 [View]
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>> No.54874738 [View]
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>just live in a shack in nowhere WV!

ticktock commie, water will find it's level, and you will receive the free helicopter ride

>> No.54842532 [View]
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Clearly we need more immigrants, Americans just don't want to work!

>> No.54767100 [View]
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>use fiscal and monetary policy to suppress wages for 50 years
>pay so little in real terms workers slack off constantly
>can't discipline them because they'll quit and and you can't hire any better for the pittance you pay
Love to see it.

>> No.54713466 [View]
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That's was your parents. You threw it all away and left us with no future.

>> No.54455967 [View]
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$410k in '23 is $220k in '16, it's not the housing market, it's the dollar

>> No.54328687 [View]
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Pay is shit. Need $150k to afford a house, why the fuck would you break your body to be a rentcuck?

>> No.54278222 [View]
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>almost all of them have a massive amount of savings/investments/pensions
Kek. Almost all their (paper) "wealth" is in their homes, everything is going to keikaku, the Jew's greatest ally will get their just desserts

>> No.53944433 [View]
File: 129 KB, 1024x664, Boomer wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need another shitler to give the Jews Greater Israel is what you're saying you stupid boomer.

>> No.53940856 [View]
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>> No.53934592 [View]
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>> No.53929680 [View]
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Sorry goy, no money for infrastructure! CEO bonuses, Ukraine gibs, and child sex slaves aren't free!

>> No.53750108 [View]
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5% yoy after 10% yoy is still much higher than the wagies pay bumps, also >chainlink

>> No.53592286 [View]
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Men are dropping out because pay is crashing in real terms, not worth busting ass when all you get for your effort is a slightly larger goypod and slightly better goyslop

>> No.53577644 [View]
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>please take a drill to view property
Sweat Equity!

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