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>the first 72 Bible verses consist of 991 Hebrew words

The letters of the Tetragrammaton as they appear in the 216 letters provide an intriguing numerical study. The details are outlined in the following table:
>pic related

The sum total gives a gematria value of 320 + 155 + 120 + 155 = 750. The other numbers applicable to this exercise are familiar gematria values:

2368 - Jesus Christ
1332 - Alpha Ω
888 - Jesus
666 - The number of a man
Revelation 20:1-5 relates to the prophecy of the 1,000 year reign of Christ in person, also called the Millennium.

"And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years," Rev 20:2

216 (decimal) = 1,000 (base 6)
750 x 888 / 666 = 1,000

There has been a good deal of speculation regarding America in Bible prophesy, beginning with the early colonists. In 1857, Methodist minister Fountain Pitts delivered a daylong sermon on the subject in the U.S. Capitol. See here for a transcript. Much of the speculation focuses on the year of America's independence - 1776.

750 x 2368 / 1000 = 1776
1332 / 750 x 1000 = 1776

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