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>> No.8937118 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, Smartcontract.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mainnet will happen when all the pieces come together. this is honestly the only project in the entire cryptospace that is being run like a mega corporation. there is this video on youtube where this guy reviews chainlink and mentions literally everything that the "average crypto investor" looks for and ChainLink did not have ANY of it lol. i thought that was great.

>> No.8671934 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, cl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can some autist chainlinker tell me what this means about estimates for mainnet launch?
i never see this link discussed here:

>> No.8522018 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, Smartcontract.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are oracles and why are they important?
In short, an Oracle provides connectivity to the outside world. An oracle is a company which has recently appeared in the smart contract space, whose job it is to translate data into a form that a smart contract can understand. Right now, centralized oracle services do exist, that is, one can pay a private company to translate data into a smart contract readable format. There is no point of anyone using a smart contract in the first place if we must trust a middleman to make out trade, that both parties must trust. This is expensive because both parties will have to keep redundant copies to assure the terms and conditions are met. A decentralized oracle service, such as ChainLink, will reduce these costs dramatically.

>> No.8487240 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, 594a255b9a24163c24d58a3c_img-2-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you have to remember that Chainlink and hyperledger are open source.

Then read the IBM leaked docs.

Ari Juels is technical advisor and co wrote chainlink whitepaper. Ari Juels is co director of IC3. IC3 is partnered with IBM (Hyperledger).

Go to chainlink's site...the 3 blockchains they show are bitcoin, eth, and none other than hyperledger (why hyperledger???) There would be so many other options before hyperledger....unless...you got it..they are working together as both open source + the ari juels connection.


There are many more connections but this should give you a starting point.

>> No.8077800 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One possible application that seems really cool is the ability to trade derivatives without needing an exchange.

For example, you could trade options via an ethereum smart contract. The smart contract would use chain link to retrieve market data. It could potentially use multiple sources for market data (that is, multiple chain link nodes) to ensure accuracy. Options would then settle based on the stock price at the time.

This is a procedure that normally requires a centralized exchange. Before smart contracts and ethereum, trading derivatives without an exchange and without counterparts risk was unheard of. Now it is very possible.

Billions of dollars worth of derivatives trade every year and it all depends on exchanges. Ethereum smart contracts + chain link could do it cheaper.

>but muh oraclize

Lol. Oraclize is already struggling. If they tried to take on something of this scale it would be a mess. Oraclize crashes for a few minutes? The whole market dependent on it comes to a crash.

Meanwhile if one link node that provides market data goes down, guess what? Just use another one.

>> No.8073917 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One possible application that seems really cool is the ability to trade derivatives without needing an exchange.

For example, you could trade options via an ethereum smart contract. The smart contract would use chain link to retrieve market data. It could potentially use multiple sources for market data (that is, multiple chain link nodes) to ensure accuracy. Options would then settle based on the stock price at the time.

This is a procedure that normally requires a centralized exchange. Before smart contracts and ethereum, trading derivatives without an exchange and without counterparts risk was unheard of. Now it is very possible.

Billions of dollars worth of derivatives trade every year and it all depends on exchanges. Ethereum smart contracts + chain link could do it cheaper.

>but muh oraclize

Lol. Oraclize is already struggling. If they tried to take on something of this scale it would be a mess. Oraclize crashes for a few minutes? The whole market dependent on it comes to a crash.

Meanwhile if one link node that provides market data goes down, guess what? Just use another one.

>> No.7943233 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been fun /g/. I enjoyed the memes and I enjoyed 40% gains on my link investment.

but the end is nigh and its time to sell before todays drop. I will probably buy some back after the dip, but its clear that most of my crypto money will have to go into something else. any suggestions?

>> No.4977850 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, 594a255b9a24163c24d58a3c_img-2-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4598820 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, img-2-3-00773d97b1a65c48d2b0d233f1ed56608c54ab0ca71961cfb63e95c62e65326a[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just sold all my LINK
>instant wave of relief
>BTC already moving up... will get back my LINK losses in no time

Are those bags getting heavy anon?
You know you want to sell.
Theres no shame in selling you know.
Theres no shame in jumping ship and actually making money with a different project.
You dont have to hold on to these bags.
Just sell right now. You will feel better. I promise.

>> No.4157487 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is it to get a spot at devcon?
Are there any actual shitcoins i might know about that get to make presentations on the main stage? I can't help but feel like this is a pretty huge thing for LINK being up there just a month since it started trading.

Please tell me this is a good sign for this coin, not currently holding but it's the one I was most interested in for the post btc crash alt surge.

>> No.4121589 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, img-2-3-00773d97b1a65c48d2b0d233f1ed56608c54ab0ca71961cfb63e95c62e65326a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no sympathy for you and your pathetic crying. As I look toward my retirement in a few years, I'll think back to the spineless ankle biting dick loving faggots who called chainlink a shitcoin. I never sold a dime, go fuck yourselves permanently.

>> No.4050750 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% posts in this thread are fucking OP trying to fud
idc what people say about CL but everyone is fucking obsessed with this coin wither it is fudding or shilling everyone is fucking talking about it.

Any oldfag anons will find this situation eerily similar to another very well known coin that raised to greatness from just a few cents at the start of this year, and I'm not implying anything by that.. simply just stating facts at this point

>> No.4030969 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ok,
I spent just 5minutes researching ODN to know that's a shitcoin but I don't bother posting 17 times trying to fud on an ODN thread, I don't give a fuck about their shitcoin, why would I?
The fact that you are having to justify yourself so much in this thread and discredit everything about link shows you're scared and know deep down there's explosive potential for this coin if things go to plan.

Do you remember the last time this entire board became obsessed with shilling and fudding one single coin? Do you remember what that coin was called? It was Ethereum. This is the kind of potential that we have in LINK, worrying about a couple cent dips and rises here and there doesn't matter right now we are all pretty much at the bottom anyway. This is a coin with a marketcap that could easily go into the billions

>> No.4020736 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not too worried... Binance will have to handle this one way or another.. presumably by buying up the current order book out their own pockets to get rid of the excess IOU's unless they pull a gox and then well I am fucked.

We basically exposed them for manipulation of chainlink and showing how undervalued it was trading at, this can only go on to be a positive thing and might make the devs actually pull a finger out their ass in making listing this on a new exchange the #1 priority.

We were victorious today anons

>> No.3993319 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My very reliable source over at brittex just gave me the heads up. The news is slowing spreading. For those feeling generous for spreading insider news:



>> No.3892703 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you have no idea what the fuck chainlink even does do you?
It is never designed to run as a standalone blockchain, think of it as a smart contract plugin that can been applied to any blockchain not just ethereums while connecting to real world use cases such as banking industry (which it already has confirmed partnerships in) along with payment gateways such as paypal ect.

You're a moron if you pass up an opportunity to invest in this coin. You're lucky even to be aware of its existence this early and this cheap.. Don't waste that opportunity.

>> No.3811819 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3598389 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3538163 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, dsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

offer me at he_diabo@mail.bg

>> No.3528648 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, img-2-3-00773d97b1a65c48d2b0d233f1ed56608c54ab0ca71961cfb63e95c62e65326a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want chainlink whitelist for 7ETH cap?

can set up eBay order on repped account

>> No.3171521 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, 594a255b9a24163c24d58a3c_img-2-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the real deal here, folks, don't miss out on this one. I'm not going to waste time selling you on it, because the facts speak for themselves. This ICO will sell out in minutes, and will be a top 10 crypto project within 6 months. Watch the video, Sergey is the fucking man.

>> No.3169918 [View]
File: 91 KB, 879x474, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guaranteed moon mission

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