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>> No.29460697 [View]
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>I bought ethereum at $1800

>> No.27533240 [View]
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volume on my stocks were 1/5th of normal.

>> No.26652997 [View]
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I only have 40k.

>> No.25179325 [View]
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>just find stocks in september because retarded
>everything is already up 150% since march
>if i started in march i could have doubled my money doing nothing
>now its riskier then ever
>ive just been saving up money since 2017 and didnt know about stocks
>could have guaranteed tripled my money by then
>now its the biggest bull market in the world and every single stock has been green for 6 months straight
>on top of every tech stock forming a bubble since 2017

>> No.25163045 [View]
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taxes should be based on living situation

like im really fucking poor investing what little money i have hoping for some miracle and i live with my parents who are poor and dont have much working a demeaning shitty job that i hate. if i actaully get some miracle and make 500-1m overnight i shouldnt get taxed that much. i should be able to use that money to buy a house and a car and get on my feet

taxes should be stiffer on people who already have a big nice house and are already living comfortable. taxes would totally kill me and just ruin every fucking dream i have. before i even cash out. before i even cash out. before i even buy a house. before i even enjoy a second of it. JEWS

>> No.25153665 [View]
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>didnt know gme earnings was after hours when only the jews could trade
>set a stop loss for that
>stop loss shut off it dropped 20%
>if i actaully sold it before close and then bought back i would be up like 50% and have more shares

>> No.25129807 [View]
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daily reminder i would be rich if i started buying stocks in 2017 and would be literally rich but no one taught me so my life is ruined

>started my business that uses cashapp in 2017
>its been a fucking 10 bagger since then
>notice everyone using yeezys in 2016 and adidas stock has gone fucking crazy since then
>notice every person in the world using iphone
>stock went fucking insane since then
>notice the entire world using amazon

im going to kill myself. ive done nothing but sit home and save money and now i basically have fucking nothing. if i put it in stocks i would have like 10x as much money but i didnt. i got fucked

>> No.25128980 [View]
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oh lads

i would 100% buy right now i just already have a lot in stocks and cant fit anymore

>> No.25127601 [View]
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i got in at 30.20 i bought the exact top down to the minute. i aped into it at open like a retard and it fell right after

>> No.25126442 [View]
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>clf and vale get high price targets
>go down
>iron and steel prices go up
>go down
>mine crashes and iron prices go up
>goes down
>steel demand goes up
>goes down
>nickel prices go up
>go down

>> No.25104016 [View]
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i wish i had something to do besides check stocks all day. even after the market is closed i just refresh this and talk to you guys all day

ugh sigh.. at least my poorfag portfolio is up 15% and im making little gains

>> No.25090715 [View]
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>clf double top into a 1 month crabfest again

>> No.25072895 [View]
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im shit at math and dont know anything about crypto but fantom is at 48 million market cap right? and its like .02?

so if it does a 10x itll be at 480 million and itll be worth .20. chainlink is at 950 million right now so doesnt that mean if chainlink hits .40 itll be worth the same as chainlink? so its basically impossible for it to ever hit a dollar? and probably even .30? can anyone here who actaully know crypto tell me if this is right? what will fantoms market cap be if it moons to $1?

>> No.25053613 [View]
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all my clf calls are for jan

i want them to go out until april but i dont want to buy more in jan when theyre more expensive

>> No.25022451 [View]
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>stock market has been open for 3 hours
>already feel like its almost closed for the week

>> No.25019296 [View]
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>> No.24953782 [View]
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>see 9 oclock
>get excited

i hate stocks

>> No.24853492 [View]
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i dont think stocks are for me bros i just want etfs

>> No.24831743 [View]
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these ups and downs with clf have been stressing me out. i need some opiates and a nap

>> No.24816540 [View]
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ok how the hell do i get started with crypto? im mostly into stocks because they make more sense to me but i cant fucking stand it anymore. i cant stand my life revolving around their stupid fucking timing where its closed all night and closed on weekends holidays and everything else it feels like its closed 90% of the time and if it goes red then its jsut fucked and that entire day sucks and if its red on friday the entire weekend sucks.

i fucking hate stocks with everything in my soul.

i tried buying scamtom and got scammed. i bought it at .04 it dropped 50% right after and has been eternally crabbing for fucking MONTHS and its bascially a shitty ass .019 stable coin.

im thinking of just swinging btc or some shit daily i dont really believe in all the garbage coins shilled here

>> No.24644586 [View]
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i bought apple instead

>> No.24631759 [View]
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>wait fucking WEEKS to be able to do option
>get robinhood to work after fidelity fucking jewing me for weeks with their stupid shit
>realize its friday on 330
>wont see them move for 3 days
>only game i play is shut down for the day
>sleep until noon today
>my call is up 60 dollars in one day and then by close it was back to the bottom and crabbing
>none of my stocks barely moved today
>rycey just went down

this has been 3 months for me. i have not made a dollar in 3 months. i have crabbed and waited for 3 months.

>> No.24397307 [View]
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does anyone else here wanna murder their parents for being poor?

i dont get how its this fucking hard to be rich when youre 50+. if you just put 1000 dollars in berkshire hathaway when it first started youd have over 1 million dollars now.

my dad spends all his money on cigarettes. stil wont do anything different. my dad spends fucking $15 a day on fucking cigarettes but cheaps out on heat, lives in a broken down shit house, doesnt buy anything useful or invest. literally you could of just fucking got microsoft here and there apple here and there random shit put some money in etfs youd be fucking rich. literally even like 100 dollars a month or some shit and just forget about it.

how the fuck is it hard to be rich. how the fuck was it hard to bet on warren buffett with 1000 dollars. how the fuck do you chose to be fair? how the fuck do you take the high high risk of dying miserable in some broken down shit hole house with no happy memories. how the fuck do you pick cigarettes and booze and stupid shit over this? my dads only done shitty depressing wagie jobs but he could of retired with fucking millions or 6 figures just throwing a random thousand dollars at stocks and shit here and there. not even a lot just a couple times a year. literally zero work. barely any money.

>> No.24140916 [View]
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>massive pandemic
>risking getting sick working in a hot kitchen and coming home and killing my parents
>under the poverty line
>still being taxed my regular 30%
>not even getting a free lunch

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