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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55230986 [View]
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Once upon a time, in the enchanted realm of Bulgaria, a group of extraordinary individuals known as the Bulgarian FUDDERS possessed a special gift. They had the ability to sense deception and uncover the truth lurking beneath the surface. One day, a peculiar cryptocurrency named Chainlink emerged, captivating the hearts and minds of investors on /biz/. These courageous Bulgarians were destined to protect innocent 4chan anons from the clutches of a Russian scammer with their keen senses and meticulous research. Through countless hours of investigation, they discovered that Chainlink was nothing more than an elaborate Ponzi scheme. Its partnerships were smoke and mirrors, a facade to deceive unsuspecting investors. In reality, the token had no actual utility or purpose. The Bulgarians shared their discoveries, raising red flags and warning investors to beware of the impending disaster that Chainlink would bring. Their warnings reverberated throughout 4chan, catching the attention of both curious investors and skeptics alike. Some heeded the cautionary words of the Bulgarian guardians and chose to divest from Chainlink, protecting their hard-earned assets. Other fanatical Link bag holders remained skeptical, observing the unfolding events with a watchful eye. As time passed, the dark truth behind Chainlink could no longer be concealed.

The deceit crumbled, and the value of Chainlink plummeted towards absolute zero. Panic and despair gripped those who had been blind to the Bulgarian FUDDERS' warnings, as their investments evaporated before their eyes.Yet, amid the chaos, there were those who had listened, those who had taken the Bulgarian FUDDERS' words to heart. These fortunate souls managed to salvage a portion of their investments, shielded by the prescient guidance of the Bulgarian guardians. Gratitude filled their hearts as they recognized the selfless efforts of those who had saved them from ruin.

>> No.55215629 [View]
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Chainlink, the white man's crypto

>> No.55211435 [View]
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Once upon a time within the vast community of 4chan, a group of individuals emerged, calling themselves the Bulgarian FUDDERS. Driven by skepticism and a desire to protect fellow investors, they sought to warn the 4chan community about the potential dangers of investing in a cryptocurrency project called Chainlink. With fervor and conviction, the Bulgarian FUDDERS meticulously examined Chainlink's whitepaper, scrutinized its partnerships, and analyzed its real-world applications. Their warnings echoed through the virtual corridors of the forum, catching the attention of eager investors who were considering allocating their hard-earned money into LINK. The FUDDERS argued that Chainlink's promises were hollow, and its token had no real-world use. They believed that the project was an elaborate Ponzi scheme, designed to enrich its creators at the expense of unsuspecting investors. They highlighted the lack of adoption by banks and financial institutions, questioning the necessity of the LINK token in the grand scheme of things.

As their warnings spread, a sense of doubt and uncertainty washed over the fanatical Link community. Some investors became hesitant, questioning their initial enthusiasm for Chainlink. They pondered the validity of the project and wondered if the FUDDERS had uncovered something substantial. To the astonishment of everyone the FUDDERS uncovered evidence that supported their initial claims. The true utility of the LINK token was questioned. As the revelations unfolded, the once-skeptical investors on 4chan started to realize that the FUDDERS were right all along. Chainlink's lofty promises began to crumble under the weight of scrutiny, and doubts turned into convictions. The 4chan community came together, grateful for the FUDDERS' vigilance and dedication. The warnings had saved them from potential financial harm. It served as a powerful reminder that skepticism and critical thinking are crucial in the world of investments.

>> No.55204867 [View]
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the token? yep, it's not needed

>> No.55175321 [View]
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kek baggies

>> No.55173609 [View]
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>muh based huwhite secret gryptogurrency

>> No.55163895 [View]
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we are NEVER selling. The singularity is just around the corner and Sergey we'll make us so rich by awarding our loyalty!

>> No.55163659 [View]
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Based. Keep buying and holding marine
The singularity is just around the corner ;)

>> No.55152450 [View]
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>y-you're coping about my rank 23 shitcoin bags bulgarian tranny!
Linkies are hands down the dumbest and most gullible idiots on /biz/ kek

But keep holding marine, you'll become a millionaire in just 2 more weeks ;)

>> No.55146599 [View]
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>> No.55143253 [View]
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here's your development bro

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