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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.385146 [DELETED]  [View]
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I know I could make any kind of app, any program, but holy shit is coming up with a good idea hard. Apps like Instagram which get bought for billions of dollars are called retarded by some but the reason it succeeds is a unique idea with execution. I'm not sure how sites like tumblr became popular amongst twitter, or how much 'mashable' or other blog-conglomerate sites are worth, everything is just so fucking weird in this arena, numbers are either astronomical or people seemingly fall on their face trying to monetize their work.

WTF WILL PEOPLE OR BUSINESSES PAY FOR ANYMORE!? It's like sueezing blood from a stone. If I just had an idea of something (besides porn god-fucking-damnit) that people would certainly pay for which doesn't exist, I know I could do it - that's the worst... can't be an idea man, just an executor. I have ideas and have executed some but ... no rich.

Naw mean /biz/zy bees? I want to do something. Put my time into something. I can do SOMETHING... but nothing seems fucking worth doing. Nothing is profitable. It's all about a search for a perfect niche market and some kind of privileged access to resources on our part, isn't it... fucking isn't it... I should just stop being creative altogether.

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