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>> No.29491319 [View]
File: 132 KB, 580x368, xmsp3tc63mi61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this anon is still around, I love this answer.
Previous guy talked about brainlets.
I gave the midwit answer.
Here is the actual big brain answer.
Completes the set.

Pic unrelated

>> No.29294335 [View]
File: 132 KB, 580x368, silver bakwardation .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fully subscribe to your attitude of healthy skeptisism, there is nothing worse than being a 24/7 happening fag. but the evidence is there, and what we're seeing now has happened before.

>> No.29242761 [View]
File: 132 KB, 580x368, xmsp3tc63mi61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the cliffs notes version of the reddit post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lnzeho/the_silver_short_squeeze_is_glaringly_obvious_to/

Part 7)

Monetarily, the money supply is expanding at historic rates and most of the 'smartest people in the room' are calling for higher inflation in the next few years.
Pretty much every commodity except gold and silver have been on an absolute tear the last few months and they are breaking out into what most consider multi-year bull market cycles.
This will drive inflation even further.

Silver is more common than gold but spread rather thin in the earth's crust so it isn't mined directly in large quantities.
It's more typically a byproduct of mining for other raw materials.
The lack of dedicated silver mines means that silver today is mined at only an 8-1 ratio to gold despite naturally occurring at roughly 18.75-1 ratio.
Silver is currently trading at a 66-1 ratio to gold

In terms of timing this thing, look at the only other 3 times silver went into backwardation in the past decade (we've just entered the 4th time).
Every single time it had a powerful rally afterwards, because it means that physical supply is constrained in the short run, and the shorts are trying to pay longs to get out of their contracts.
And those other 3 times didn't have a true chance of COMEX default like this time does, supply/demand has never been this imbalanced and the premiums in the physical market are proof of that.

In the end, the goal of buying silver should be to make tendies and to end the manipulation of these markets.
We need to get to the point where entering into a contract to sell silver means you actually have the physical silver to sell.
No more naked shorting and profiteering off the little people.
An honest silver market is the ultimate goal here.

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