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>> No.55331363 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x3741, 1682121787435292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry folks, I am with the glowniggers on this one, as they are less authoritarian than Russia or China, who have been shitting up 4chan and other social media because the only way they win is if the US has a civil war. Whites and Christians will profit immensely from a continuation of globalism while atheist communist chinks will have their women colonized by sexpats and white sperm donors while their men are turned into trannies.

>> No.30321850 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x3741, 2016 was peak global babies, but not for certain white populations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that /pol/ has made you see the world through the lens of leftist jews flooding your nation with unproductive shitskins to rape your women and displace you, but you need to remember that the world runs on logistics and strategic plans that do not care who is in the white house. If you don't think there is actual political gamesmanship and animosity between state actors, you need to pay more attention.

Global supply chains were already being questioned in 2019, and now we are already seeing a shift to production much closer to home, without as much transit risk. Using China as the global high-efficiency workshop only made sense when there was a consumption base to afford it, but with the developed world aging out of a consumption demographic, this is no longer needed.

>> No.29417486 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x3741, 2016 was peak global babies, but not for certain white populations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All fiats are fundamentally backstopped by the USD. If it dies, it still dies as the last man standing. In that sense the Euros don't need to worry unless they've exchanged their money for USD in preparation for a local monetary collapse.

>> No.26402733 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x3741, 2016 was peak global babies, but not for certain white populations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tenda, don't you lie to me you cumrag of the nations. You're a painfully average little man that's just smart enough to realize how stacked the deck is against you. That's the first step, but if you don't do SOMETHING to move past that step you're just going to die with your dick in your hands, as worthless as the cunt that squeezed you out and the dick that shot half of you into it.

The only white people breeding above replacement rate are deeply conservative religious types: your Mormons, your Trad Caths, American Orthos, etc... These are people with a 75% retention rate of their children in their religious beliefs, and as they out-breed people like yourself, they get to set the rules. It is unwise for your continued survival to make it a point to antagonize these groups. Your options are to either get your mind right, right now, or get plowed under by people that do things for reasons you consider stupid, and deny themselves hedonistic pleasures that you would scratch your eyes out to have.

You have until tomorrow to get your mind right

>> No.21501808 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x3741, 2016 was peak global babies, but not for certain white populations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't despair too hard on the 'At our Wit's End pill'. We're moving into a century of less, in which some of the selection pressures that led to the Industrial revolution should reassert themselves since 'social safety nets' can't be funded. Additionally, as birth control availability has spread to the 3rd world, their birth rates have sharply declined. The only groups in the future having kids above replacement rate are going to be trad holdouts that have upwards of 75% retention in terms of religious beliefs, and frankly, tend to be brighter than average already.

>> No.20294805 [View]
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x3741, 2016 was peak global babies, but not for certain white populations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big think: Many states have high school scholar programs that take the most academically talented rising seniors and put them on a college campus over the summer, and admission into the program grants heavy scholarship support for instate universities. This is the first time these students are surrounded by people at or above their level, the first time their peers really are. This is essentially an intensive networking program for the state's brightest and best where they form relationships that continue into college and beyond.

The ultimate goal: encourage your best students to intermingle, then intermarry, and have children. I wonder if you could track a noticeable difference in the IQ in states with these programs versus states without it. These sub-populations would have a greater impact than you might think, given that even 3rd world births are trending down. There are already subsections of American Catholics with average fertility rates of 5.5-6, and you better believe that this is going to play itself out in American demographics soon.

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