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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.7671469 [View]
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>> No.7639766 [View]
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Looks like what the competition said they were going to do can't be done, not in their current forms.. VEN, WABI and others have been issued cease and desist orders. Coindesk scoop tomorrow. My source is solid.

>> No.7610791 [View]
File: 109 KB, 499x600, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to look out for you /biz/

Surely you must see the writing on the wall. Why will these currency-based coins and privacy coins crater?

tldr; 2018-2019 will be the era of protocol coins and infrastructure coins. Coins with REAL use cases.

Q. What benefits are there in altcoins that offer currency transactions or privacy transactions?

A. In the real world, LIMITED to NONE. These coins are nothing but echo chamber based coin clubs with little to no real use cases, or any hope in hell of mass adoption. The members of these coin clubs invest in something that becomes their 'team', they shill it as the greatest team (coin), then they tip each other in said coin or they exchange a few transactions with each other. There is nothing worth a shit going on here, any perceived benefit is statistically INSIGNIFICANT. They wait around for years thinking all major retailers will accept their shitcoin (their team will win the super bowl soon, we will have glory). Sorry, you are deluded.

I am advising /biz/ to dump 'currency' coins for protocol coins & infrastructure based coins asap. If you have not done this you WILL get burnt as the novelty of 10,000's of these different currency shitcoins completely falls flat this year. To rub salt in the wounds, these protocol and infrastructure coins will have a variety of transaction and privacy capabilities anyway. Yes, the big protocol and infrastructure coins which will soon dominate the market will also make your 'currency' coins irrelevant.

As 2018-2019 becomes the year of protocol coins, it will also become the year 'currency' coins crash and burn. There is not a more risky hold right now than a currency or privacy coin.

Some will understand this, others will regard this as an attack on their 'team' and get extremely triggered.

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