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>> No.58825536 [View]
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How longer will I have to suffer.

>> No.58644083 [View]
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>their dad is rushing them to get a job and they want to prove that they dont need to get one cause they have money
>hate waging
Yup I'm one of those
I need this piece of shit above $30 by EOY and $70 by 2027
I'm NOT going back to frontend engineering. Shut up dad I know the wages are inflated. I will have enough money to retire soon just let me be ffs

>> No.57724125 [View]
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been ready for years

>> No.56411185 [View]
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Hey, I shitted on the linklets as much as the next anon, in retrospective that was probably the big one most missed.

I wasn't around in 13 but the run to 20K, from 15K and up can only be compared to the next ATH, and it took a while.

>> No.56262269 [View]
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Thank you frens, I am no longer confused
May you have a comfy hodl, I have a feeling that by the time this version's staked linkies unlock they will be worth much more

>> No.56069376 [View]
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Why does the price not go up?
Almost every day now that I see incredible, crazy news.. Yet the chart stays the same.
I'm sick of what my life has become.
In 2017 it was just a fun investment, I only bought because of the memes, honestly.
But since the google cloud pump to $5 my life has changed.
Today, I am not living anymore.
I am simply existing in a state of waiting.
I am just waiting for link to go up so I can finally start the life I want to live.
It's been years..

>> No.55333156 [View]
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I'm just so fucking tired bros.
It might really go to $200 if the stars align correctly next bullrun, but I really just can't take this anymore.
I'll probably sell my entire stack at 40. I just want out. My fragile mind won't survive any longer.

>> No.54906837 [View]
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Assuming for a moment that you're genuine, albeit retarded human being:
Snap out it, you miserable faggot.
Of course your misery resonates with huge part of the board. Nobody is crazy enough to stay positive under these conditions. Nobody is obsessed enough to relentlessly fud a project he's not invested in. Everybody you interact with - everyone making cuck threads or fud or shilling or LINKETH chart posting or any apparent remoralization thread or a breadcrumb or - every one of these posters holds LINK and hates every minute of it but can't sell because of "what if?".
It's very simple. CL is trying to eat the lunch of the biggest sharks around. It's not working out great so far. But CL is still around despite everything they've thrown at it. Nobody here knows what will happen. Everybody here knows that if he sells and sirgay ends up winning, he will never live it down. Most have more or less gotten to terms with the downgrade from "in the bag" to "there's a slim chance". It's a tough pill but that's life.
And look at the broader crypto market. Total and complete casino, worthless scams. Crab bucket. Do you feel the urge to roll the die? Against the house, here in the wild west?
So we hold and we seethe. I've aged 10 years in the last 5, grown cold and unkind to everybody. My wife misses the person I was. My son has never met the version of me that I enjoyed being. I wage a dead end job that pays the bills and I drink more than I should. Will I sell on pump to 50? No, I'm holding to 0 or 1000 or until I die, and no argument based on emotion can convince me otherwise.

>> No.53893011 [View]
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Owning your home is fantastic, the bank owning your home and u paying them back for it is a terrible financial move.

t. Brought a house with cash in 2021 in full thanks to crypto ponzi.

> Renovate & do whatever I please (Recently spent $20K on a solar system with a battery, last billing period the energy jew paid me $120)
> Not losing $20-25,000 a year in rent (not including utilities)

cons: have beef with my neighbour who has 4 adult kids who still live with him and see's me (same age bracket as them), owning their own house and doing w/e the fuck I want.

>> No.53841608 [View]
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also a classic one

>> No.53155619 [View]
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>> No.53104209 [View]
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the chatroom looks like this rn

>> No.52809158 [View]
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I almost did.
Except I didn't bother buying back.
This shit is going nowhere.
Meanwhile I check yield samurai weekly, and move my stables to another 20% pool.

>> No.51344553 [View]
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This place is a shithole which will bring you down and make you weaker now that it has gained the attention of every psychopath in the finance world.
If you want something good leave and find a better place.
Even twitter is better.

As for demoralization yes.
Everyone capitulated and started living their own life without Chainlink.
It won't matter to most if Chainlink goes to $0 or $100, because they chose to have a healthy and stable life without Chainlink and diversified to reduce their life exposure to it.

Now for the real question, how does Chainlink work with private chains?
How will you be able to stake and run a node for the DTCC and Swift?

The easiest solution would be to get something like Aave where you deposit liquidity and get staking returns, but what would be really profitable is to find a way to run a node for them directly.
How do you do that?

>> No.50079810 [View]
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Oatmeal anon

>> No.27024772 [View]
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>> No.24700631 [View]
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>Andre Cronje is the Binance listing of 2020
Based. This is honestly enough of a rational argument to buy a few. Supply is so fucking low it'll rocket up and be another one of those
>How did this go from $5 to $500?
Never change biz.
This is fucking perfect. People will 100% overlook this because of this mistake alone effectively cloaking this from view until it's reached critical hype.

>> No.24144220 [View]
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>> No.21208926 [DELETED]  [View]
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morning bros, eurofag here just woke up after a few hours of sleep, feels like I've been away forever though. did I miss anything?

>> No.20658476 [View]
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There are no plans for the price of STAKE to move until it's announced that they're the winner of the Reddit competition, full stop.
Pumps to look for are as follows:
>Easystaking audit positive or negative
>Easystaking launch
STAKE is running out of pumpable material and if it fails the Reddit competition it's fucking dead.

>> No.20436467 [View]
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Help - recommend a GOOD film or series to watch for Friday night /biz/?
something to take me out of my self & the hell that is life

>> No.19834621 [View]
File: 266 KB, 1000x740, Average Link posting den.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A true aesthete I see.

>> No.19733951 [View]
File: 266 KB, 1000x740, E03311DF-0618-41F3-9FD5-A95C55216CEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

42 is a glow AI. Ever notice how "he" is in every link thread spreading schizo nonsense talking about demons and angels trying to encourage others to buy Chainlink? (((42))) is another trick to separate you from your neetbux and paychecks. Whatever you do, don't fall for it. 216 means nothing. 42 means nothing. Gemaitra is pseudoscience babble. Think about it; what does Chainlink have to with the Bible and Christianity?
Chainlink is a scam, 42 is a government entity, or created by the Chainlink dev team with their 700,000 token dump money, even more likely "he" is both.

>> No.19724281 [View]
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