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>> No.12943245 [View]
File: 58 KB, 489x599, please just fucking kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like its too late for me to get a grown up job. I've been working shit minimum wage jobs for 11 years and it feels like this will be my life for now on. I tried going to school, but I failed and dropped so many of my classes. If I go back I feel like it will take me a long time to retake those classes and pass them. I feel like once the HR/hiring manager look at my GPA, they'll just throw my name out. I'm also bad with networking/connecting with people. So I can't have a job just land in my lap like some of those kids I went to school with.
I want to turn my life around, but I just don't know how. I've been reading books, and listening to podcasts. I'm hoping this will all help me out at the end. It doesn't seem like it right now though. I'm 27, but I feel like I have the mind of a 18 year old edgy kid. I've cut down on my time I spent looking at memes. I'm just hoping I can still rewire my brain and finally become an adult.
Not even sure if what I'm typing is making sense. Haven't had a good night sleep in 3 days.

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