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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57568324 [View]
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Not fud, i couldn't find it because it is hidden in Pooyas asscrack. Website is a IBM clone btw

>> No.27197852 [View]
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>> No.24417148 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, 1486206955861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers do think they invent computers

>> No.24051851 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, 1597147830954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump because highly relevant

>> No.19711873 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, 1589397766190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the days of traditional value investing gone forever?
Like I saw the twitter post the other day, with the 11 year old kid and his friends trading on Robinhood and playing fortnite.
I mean the whole value proposition of the stock market or put otherwise, how you could actually make money was on the premise of keeping out the short attention minded retards from peasant backgrounds and circles. Now that the internet like many other industries disrupted public equity trading too buying stocks is easy as swiping right/left on Tinder. This is additionally fueled by social media trends and click bait videos/posts that these "people" buy into.
in the old days and still today making money in the stock market only works on the premise it being a dull, boring endeavour of beta engineer that had 2 different sexual partners in their life dumping their paychecks into obscure niche stocks with a potential breakthrough in a niche industry that nobody even heard about and the mainstream wont even care about once it 50x in 15 years.

I guess the fact that the barrier to get in was broken, will get priced in eventually in the way that retards that are were not supposed to trade stocks before Robinhood will leave themselves because, how they are, once they realize it takes long years and boring work contrary to the social media induced hype, the novelty wears off and they showed it off to all their coworkers that they trade stocks now, and even them are not standing them talking about it too.
But some of them will still stay, and stocks still need to go up. So what is the solution? Volatile, unpredictable, subsumable shitshow of a messy, hysterical stock market that is all over the place in order that the big guys doing insider deals even more because the trading related information playing field (yahoo finance etc) is leveled for ever so they liquidate the peasants gambling in options?

>> No.19068840 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, 1586113090634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they ever fucking go DOWN?

I want to invest in some big tech stocks, namely Apple, Google, Netflix, Facebook, etc., for long-term gains.

They are all currently at all-time highs because of everyone being stuck at home. Is it a waste of time to invest now, whilst they are at their all-time highs?

I can't even imagine what could bring a tech stock down other than a pandemic (tfw missed the dip), so paradoxically, would it be a waste to NOT invest now?

Would I be missing this undying bull run if I don't buy now?

>> No.10530803 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, 1530205516286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best explanation. I have an omega node and it's impossible to talk about the good things or the bad things with this AMB project without pajeets and idiots derailing the discussion. Look at the childish language in the top post. Literally a 7th grade understanding of the English language.

>I'm quite familiar with...
Oh are you quiet familiar with that shit? Are you quiet certain about it? What native English speaking person with any real education talks or writes like that. Real info is laid out in a down to earth way and you type like a retard who should be focusing on getting ready for your sophomore year of fucking high school now fuck off rasheesh

>> No.8454303 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, 1517683120995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sure thats why everxy high society from asia, including india is trying to mimic our pale skin,
Go fuck urself you shitskinned poopeater.

>> No.7260856 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, nigputer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like pic related

>> No.6844970 [View]
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>> No.6078184 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, 1515028119113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which will come back stronger?

which is a better investment for the comeback moon mission?

>> No.5837432 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, 1486206955861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computer autists

>> No.3702902 [View]
File: 279 KB, 478x603, 1503284652542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when women enter a business you know the business is no longer worth being in. for example, women lawyers. they are always one step behind.

also, i don't think women would want this market anyway. crypto is literally the antithesis to communism and all women are communists except the ones virtue signaling "look at me, i'm red pilled!"

>> No.3194746 [View]
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i think crypto has proven beyond any doubt that the market is fucking retarded, is slow to price in things, and you can legitimately profit by just "buying the rumor, selling the news" for every coin ever. update coming? buy. update happens? sell.

economic theory up until this point has been based on assets without infinite liquidity. this new market really gives new insight: people can instantly move their money but the actual movement is slow as hell and always comes in a mini bubble. who the fuck buys at the top?

basically, imagine every trader was 12 years old, only listed to shills and propaganda, and takes 3 days to move any money. that's how the market moves.

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