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>> No.55445697 [View]
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Let me tell you about my ex's sister. I still seethe when I think about all the resources wasted on this bitch and how many men were fucked over in the process.
>bachelors, masters and PhD in chemical engineering
>never spent a penny of her own money on tuition, received scholarships out the ass just for having a pussy and being in STEM
>all of her degrees are from very prestigious engineering schools
>she isn't dumb but she also isn't smart or autistically obsessed with engineering (I'm not an engineer but I lived in a house full of engineering students in college so I know the type), she just went into the field because it sounded like it would be a comfy job and she realized sausagefest STEM programs are desperate for female students
>had companies fighting to hire her after finishing her PhD
>landed an amazing job with a great company
>quit after about a year because she didn't like working in a male-dominated field and it wasn't as fun as she thought it would be
>went back to the fucking shitty retail job she worked while she was a student
>never even suffered any consequences for ripping up a golden ticket because she married some upper-middle class dude soon after quitting engineering and they had kids
Watching that play out was like steroids for misogyny. Think of the guy who was denied from his dream engineering program to make room for her diversity admission, or the guy who was enslaved to the Student Loan Jew because he wasn't eligible for the same scholarships she was, or the guy who got the automated HR rejection email for his dream job because she was gifted that job. Think of how passionate they all were for the field she didn't really give a fuck about. A massive amount of opportunities and resources were wasted to let foid larp as le educated career womyn for a little while until she married beta bux and had kids. Everyone would have been better off if she just got married and started pumping out kids right after high school.

>> No.54406070 [View]
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>apply for job posting where I have all the necessary requirements and preferred requirements
>ask for salary within their salary range
>fast forward a week or two
>automated rejection email, can't even get the HR roastie interview
Why the fuck does this happen? These are for experienced professional white collar jobs that don't get a billion applications. According to Indeed these jobs are getting 10-20 applications, some are getting 5 or fewer, and I still can't get an interview even though the job postings sound tailor-made for my resume. All of my relevant experience is recent and at a very well-known, respected company in my field. Do I need to change my name to Tyrone Ngubu to stop getting filtered by HR? It's a goddamn joke, then these faggots have the nerve to whine about how nobody wants to work and they just can't ever find any qualified employees.

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