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>> No.13365123 [View]
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Stop wait a minute. Pay off the car if the car has outstanding debt on it. Raise the rent on the house by small 1% increments gradually dependent on the area if a nice place to live (check zillow etc) raise it a 2% or so assuming hard working honest people are living in it and provide them an option to buy it out from you. If the people are shit kick them out and work on selling it. Currently it sounds like a pretty good passive income but keep in mind you will have to pay property taxes on it and fees related to upkeep and maintenance depending on the rental agreement.

The VTSAX isn't a bad idea but never ever all in. Do open a Vangaurd account a regular trading account and a ROTH IRA. Max out the 6K limit in the IRA every year and buy things like VTSAX, VCORX, VTI, and some of the REIT funds they offer. All of this will put that money to work preferably you want it to sit and accumulate dividends over time. Alternate investments include QQQ, SPY, DDM, and DIA. You should buy a mixture of all of them between the ROTH IRA and your regular trading account. only keep less than 10K of your windfall as liquid assets and diversify the rest.

Some other options for diversification include signing up with a credit union to invest in 5 and 10 year Money Market certificates that yeild 2.5% or higher.

You could also invest in non fiat goods including gold, silver, and platinum as a store of value these wont make you money but if the market shits the bed they will retain their worth. Alternatives to non fiat include boutique watches, guns and ammunition, and rare coins/stamps. While they sound odd all of them are things which can be stored in safe deposit boxes or homes securely.

Finally do not allow yourself to grow comfortable with this windfall. Lifestyle creep is real and the reason why lotto winners often end up broke again. Do not: radically change your lifestyle, Do: begin self teaching financial literacy and education.

Good luck.

>> No.12624885 [View]
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>hokage of me heart....

very cute

>> No.12361910 [View]
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bear betrayal edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, Naruto is a pleb tier entry level shounen, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on lean hogs:

Suggested books:

Small spec bears who are currently on suicide watch: >>12356901

>> No.12361483 [View]
File: 146 KB, 1200x1099, sasugay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point, here you go

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